Progressive tense – practice questions

If you need to recap the progressive tense then check out this post.

Activity 1

Conjugate the below verbs into the present progressive tense.

  1. 가르치다
  2. 노래하다
  3. 고르다
  4. 나가다
  5. 그리다

Activity 2

Conjugate the below verbs into the past progressive tense.

  1. 듣다
  2. 먹다
  3. 살다
  4. 팔다
  5. 오다

Activity 3

Conjugate the below verbs into the future progressive tense.

  1. 울다
  2. 보다
  3. 가다
  4. 놀다
  5. 공부하다

Activity 4

Fill the blanks with the correctly conjugated word.

  1. 어디 ____________? (어디 – where) Where are you going?
  2. 미안해요. 그때는 _____________. (미안해요 – I am sorry, 그 – that, 때 – time, 는 – topic marking particle) I am sorry. I was sleeping at that time.
    • 지금 ____________. (지금 – now) I am eating now.
    • 내일은 도서관에서 _____________. (내일 – tomorrow, 은 – topic marking particle, 도서관 – library, 에서 – location marking particle) I will be studying in the library tomorrow.
    • 그래요. ___________. (그래요 – Ok) Ok. I am looking forward to it.
    • 네. 지금 ___________. (네 – yes, 지금 – now) Yes. I am watching (it) now.
    • 어제 친구들이랑 술 _____________. (어제 – yesterday, 친구 – friend, 들 – plural, 랑 – with, 술 – alcohol) I was drinking with my friends yesterday.
    • 네. ___________. (네 – yes) Yes. I am listening.
    • 선생님이 학생들 _____________. (선생님 – teacher, 이 – subject marking particle, 학생 – student, 들 – plural) Teacher is teaching the students.
    • 너무 _____________. (너무 – a lot) I am worrying a lot.
    • 한국에서 대학교 __________. (한국 – Korea, 에서 – location marking particle, 대학교 – university) I am attending university in Korea.
    • 많이 __________. (많이 – a lot) (I) was thinking about it a lot.
    • 내일 친구들이랑 __________. (내일 – tomorrow, 친구 – friend, 들 – plural, 랑 – with) I will be hanging out (playing) with my friends tomorrow,
    • 집 ____________. (집 – house) I am cleaning my house.
    • 제가 영국에서 ____________. (저 – I, 가 – subject marking particle, 영국 – England, 에서 – location marking particle) I am living in England.

    Choose from the following words: 듣다, 자다, 가르치다, 살다, 걱정하다, 가다, 기대하다, 생각하다, 먹다, 공부하다, 놀다, 청소하다, 보다, 다니다, 마시다,

    Activity 5

    Listen to the below recording and write down the full sentence and translate to English/your own language (each sentence will be repeated twice).

    Activity 1 Answers

    1. 가르치다 –> 가르치고 있어요 (Teaching)
    2. 노래하다 –> 노래하고 있어요 (Singing)
    3. 고르다 –> 고르고 있어요 (Choosing)
    4. 나가다 –> 나가고 있어요 (Going out/Leaving)
    5. 그리다 –> 그리고 있어요 (Drawing)

    Activity 2 Answers

    1. 듣다 – 듣고 있었어요 (Was listening)
    2. 먹다 – 먹고 있었어요 (Was eating)
    3. 살다 – 살고 있었어요 (Was living)
    4. 팔다 – 팔고 있었어요 (Was selling)
    5. 오다 – 오고 있었어요 (Was coming)

    Activity 3 Answers

    1. 울다 – 울고 있을 거예요 (Will be crying)
    2. 보다 – 보고 있을 거예요 (Will be watching)
    3. 가다 – 가고 있을 거예요 (Will be going)
    4. 놀다 – 놀고 있을 거예요 (Will be playing)
    5. 공부하다 – 공부하고 있을 거예요 (Will be studying)

    Activity 4 Answers

    1. 어디 가고 있어요? (어디 – where) Where are you going?
    2. 미안해요. 그때는 자고 있었어요. (미안해요 – I am sorry, 그 – that, 때 – time, 는 – topic marking particle) I am sorry. I was sleeping at that time.
    3. 지금 먹고 있어요. (지금 – now) I am eating now.
    4. 내일은 도서관에서 공부하고 있을 거예요. (내일 – tomorrow, 은 – topic marking particle, 도서관 – library, 에서 – location marking particle) I will be studying in the library tomorrow.
    5. 그래요. 기대하고 있어요. (그래요 – Ok) Ok. I am looking forward to it.
    6. 네. 지금 보고 있어요. (네 – yes, 지금 – now) Yes. I am watching (it) now.
    7. 어제 친구들이랑 술 마시고 있었어요. (어제 – yesterday, 친구 – friend, 들 – plural, 랑 – with, 술 – alcohol) I was drinking with my friends yesterday.
    8. 네. 듣고 있어요. (네 – yes) Yes. I am listening.
    9. 선생님이 학생들 가르치고 있어요. (선생님 – teacher, 이 – subject marking particle, 학생 – student, 들 – plural) Teacher is teaching the students.
    10. 너무 걱정하고 있어요. (너무 – a lot) I am worrying a lot.
    11. 한국에서 대학교 다니고 있어요. (한국 – Korea, 에서 – location marking particle, 대학교 – university) I am attending university in Korea.
    12. 많이 생각하고 있었어요. (많이 – a lot) (I) was thinking about it a lot.
    13. 내일 친구들이랑 놀고 있을 거예요. (내일 – tomorrow, 친구 – friend, 들 – plural, 랑 – with) I will be hanging out (playing) with my friends tomorrow,
    14. 집 청소하고 있어요. (집 – house) I am cleaning my house.
    15. 제가 영국에서 살고 있어요. (저 – I, 가 – subject marking particle, 영국 – England, 에서 – location marking particle) I am living in England.

    Activity 5 Answers

    1. 잘 알고 있어요 – I know very well (Fixed phrase)
    2. 여기서 기다리고 있어요. – I am waiting here.
    3. 한국어를 배우고 있어요. – I am learning Korean.
    4. 열심히 연습하고 있어요. – I am practicing diligently.
    5. 매일 운동하고 있어요. – I am working out every day.


    My name is Sonia and I have been watching Kdramas and learning the Korean Language since 2009 and still haven't gotten bored of it at all! At first, I fell in love with the dramas but soon enough I fell in love with Korean language and Korean culture.

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