NOUN + -(이)라고 : I said, they said

안녕하세요! Welcome to this lesson about the Korean grammar particle -(이)라고. Understanding Korean particles can be a crucial element in mastering the language, and today we’re focusing on the versatile and highly useful particle -(이)라고.

This particle plays a central role in Korean communication, often being used to quote or report someone’s words, or express a person’s thoughts, which can be direct or indirect. Beyond these functions, -(이)라고 can also be utilized to define or categorize something, and when you come across compound particles that include -(이)라고, you can find even more nuances of meaning.

In this lesson, we’ll start by explaining the fundamental concepts of -(이)라고, followed by examples of its usage in real-life scenarios, and practical exercises to reinforce your understanding. Whether you’re a beginner getting to grips with basic sentence structure or an intermediate learner wanting to polish your language skills, this lesson promises to bring you a step closer to achieving fluency in Korean. 그럼 시작할 까요?


NOUN + (이)라고 + VERB

  • If the noun ends with a vowel, add “라고” i.e. “학교라고”
  • If the noun ends with a consonant, add “이라고” i.e. 학생이라고

Understanding -(이)라고

The Korean particle -(이)라고 is a significant component of the Korean language, offering several functions depending on the context in which it’s used. Essentially, -(이)라고 acts as a “quotation marker,” a way to express thoughts, or a tool for defining or categorizing something.

Let’s delve into these uses:

Quotation of Direct and Indirect Speech

The most common use of -(이)라고 is to quote someone’s words. This can apply to both direct and indirect speech.

For instance, in the sentence “이거 책이라고 했어요,” which means “They said this is a book”, “라고” is used to quote someone’s direct speech. It is often used with verbs such as “하다”, “말하다”, “대답하다”.

  • 저는 학생이라고 했어요. – I said I am a student.
  • 민지 씨는 선생님이라고 했어요. – Minji said she is a teacher.
  • 저는 이민호라고 해요. – I am called Lee Min-Ho.
  • 뭐라고 말했어요? – What did you say?

Expressing Thoughts or Beliefs

Beyond quoting others, -(이)라고 can also be used to convey one’s own thoughts or beliefs. For example, “그건 사과라고 생각해요” means “I think that’s an apple,” where “라고 생각해요” is used to express the speaker’s belief.

  • 이거 뭐라고 생각해요? – What do you think this is?
  • 이거 물이라고 생각해요. – I think this is water.

The form of the particle changes depending on what comes before it. After a consonant, “이라고” is used, whereas after a vowel, “라고” is used. For example, “사과라고” (as an apple) but “물이라고” (as water).

In all these examples, the particle -(이)라고 plays an essential role in shaping the meaning of the sentence. As we delve deeper into the practical applications, you’ll get a more comprehensive understanding of how to use this particle in a variety of contexts.

Common ending verbs with Noun + (이)라고 particle

  • 하다 – To do
  • 말하다 – To say
  • 이야기하다 – To talk
  • 생각하다 – To think
  • 물어보다 – To ask
  • 쓰다 – To write
  • 듣다 – To listen
  • 부탁하다 – To request

Negative sentences

In order to create negative sentences with this structure, simply follow the below.

NOUN + 아니라고 + VERB

  • 현준 씨는 선생님 아니라고 했어요. – They said Hyeon-Jun is not a teacher.
  • 이거 물 아니라고 말했어요. – They said this is not a water.
  • 이거 사과 아니라고 생각했어요. – I didn’t think this was an apple.


  • 우디 앨런은 ‘성공의 8할은 일단 출석하는 것이다’ 라고 말 했어요. – Woody Allen said “Eighty percent of success is showing up”.
  • 약국은 어디라고 했어요? – Where did you say the pharmacy was?
  • 그 친구는 회사원이라고 했어요? – Did you said that friend is an office worker?
  • 친구한테 ‘생일 축하해’라고 썼어요. – I wrote to my friend ‘Happy Birthday’.
  • 선우는 의사라고 들었어요. – I heard Sun-woo is a doctor.
  • 이거 오랜지 쥬스라고 물어봤어요. – I asked if this is orange juice.
  • 이거 오랜지 쥬스는 아니라고 했어요. – They said this is not orange juice.

Adding compound particles to the sentences

Compound particles with -(이)라고 in Korean add depth and complexity to the language by allowing the speaker to express a wider range of thoughts and concepts. Two commonly used compound particles are -(이)라고 하면 and -(이)라고 해도.

-(이)라고 하면

This compound particle is used to indicate examples or associations we think of when we hear or see a particular word. Essentially, it can be translated as “when it comes to…” or “when you mention…”. Let’s see this in action:

  • 한국 음식이라고 하면 김치를 생각나요. – When it comes to Korean food, you think of Kimchi.
  • 한국이라고 하면 K-pop이 생각나는 사람들이 많아요. – When it comes to Korea, a lot of people think of K-pop.
  • 일본이라고 하면 삿포로 맥주를 생각해요. – When I think of Japan, I think of Sapporo beer.
  • 과일이라고 하면 사과와 바나나가 떠올라요. – When you mention fruit, apples and bananas come to mind.

All of these sentences mean the same but I have slightly changed the translation each time as there is no ONE direct way to translate this. Hopefully, having different versions of what essentially can be said the same way will help your understanding of this structure.

-(이)라고 해도

This compound particle is used to make concessions or “even if” statements. It can help show a point of view where, despite a certain condition, the outcome remains the same. It’s a powerful way to emphasize the strength or persistence of a certain outcome.

  • 그게 실수라고 해도 용서할 수 없어어요. – Even if that’s a mistake, it cannot be forgiven.

The nuance here is more like “Even if you say that’s a mistake, it cannot be forgiven” which comes more to a literal translation.

  • 감기라고 해도 일어나서 일해야 해요. – Even if it’s cold, you have to get up and work.
  • 그거 거짓말이라고 해도, 괜찮아요. – Even if that is a lie, it’s ok.
  • 운동이라고 해도 안 할래요. – Even if that is an exercise I don’t want to do it.

In both of these examples, the compound particles that include -(이)라고 allow the speaker to express a more nuanced idea than would be possible using simpler sentence structures. As you become more comfortable with these particles, you’ll find that they add richness and complexity to your Korean communication. It’s also important to remember that context plays a huge role in understanding and using these particles effectively. Practice using them in different situations, and your proficiency in the Korean language will continue to improve.

If you do not understand all of these concepts in this lesson, it’s ok. I have included a bit of extra information so that your brain can at least acknowledge it. With practice you will come to understand this so do not worry.

Activity 1

Fill in the blanks

  1. 저는 그거 ________ ________. – I felt that it was love.
  2. 그녀는 그것 _________ ________. – She said that it was the truth.
  3. 맞는 ________ _________. – I thought that was the correct answer.
  4. 저는 그거 최선의 ________ _______. – I thought that was the best way.
  5. 제 _______ __________. – I admitted that was my mistake.

Activity 1 Answers

  1. 저는 그거 사랑이라고 느꼈어요. – I felt that it was love.
  2. 그녀는 그것 진실이라고 말했어요. – She said that it was the truth.
  3. 맞는 대답이라고 생각했어요. – I thought that was the correct answer.
  4. 저는 그거 최선의 방법이라고 믿었어요. – I thought that was the best way.
  5. 제 실수라고 인정했어요. – I admitted that was my mistake.

Don’t worry if you find it challenging at first, as mastering a new grammatical concept often takes time and practice. The important thing is to keep trying, keep practicing, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

Now, it’s your turn to try! I encourage you to leave a comment below with your own sentences using -(이)라고. This will not only allow you to practice but also help others learn from your examples. Remember, learning a language is a journey, and every step you take brings you closer to your goal. 화이팅! (Fighting!)


My name is Sonia and I have been watching Kdramas and learning the Korean Language since 2009 and still haven't gotten bored of it at all! At first, I fell in love with the dramas but soon enough I fell in love with Korean language and Korean culture.

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