Negative sentences Practice questions

If you need to recap how to create negative sentences, check out this post here.

Activity 1

Conjugate the below verbs using the “안” method as well as the 지 않다 method and conjugate them to the present tense.

  1. 먹다
  2. 생각하다
  3. 오다
  4. 만나다
  5. 울다
  6. 연습하다
  7. 보다
  8. 나가다

Activity 2

Fill the blanks with the correctly conjugated word using the “안” method.

  1. 집에 _________________. (집 – house, 에 – location marking particle) I don’t want to go home.
  2. 영화 잘 ___________. (영화 – movie, 잘 – well/often) I don’t watch movies often.
  3. 아무 _____________. (아무 – any) I didn’t say anything.
  4. ______________________. I am not worried
  5. 주말에 친구들 ___________. (주말 – weekend, 에 – on/at/in, 친구 – friend, 들 – plural) I don’t meet friends on the weekend.
  6. 남자친구랑 자주 _________________. (남자친구 – boyfriend, 랑 – with, 자주 – often) I do not fight often with my boyfriend.
  7. 저는 고기 ____________. (저 – me, 는 – topic marking particle, 고기 – meat) I don’t eat meat.
  8. 아무도 ___________. (아무도 – no one) No one will come.
  9. 아직 ________________________. (아직 – yet) I haven’t ordered yet.

Activity 3

Fill the blanks with the correctly conjugated word using the “지 않다” method.

  1. __________________ I don’t want to walk.
  2. 책 자주 ___________________. (책 – book, 자주 – often) I do not read books often.
  3. 아침에 ________________________. (아침 – morning, 에 – in/at/on) I do not exercise in the morning.
  4. 사라를 ____________________. (사라 – Sarah, 를 – object marking particle) I will not meet Sarah.
  5. 내일 ______________________. (내일 – tomorrow) I will not want to go tomorrow.
  6. 저는 ___________________________. (저 – me, 는 – topic marking particle) I don’t want to get married.

Activity 4

Listen to the below recording and write down the full sentence and translate to English/your own language (each sentence will be repeated twice).

Activity 1 Answers

  1. 먹다 –> 안 먹어요 (Don’t eat)
  2. 생각하다 –> 생각 안 해요 (Don’t think)
  3. 오다 –> 안 와요 (Don’t come)
  4. 만나다 –> 안 만나요 (Don’t meet)
  5. 울다 –> 안 울어요 (Don’t cry)
  6. 연습하다 –> 연습 안 해요 (Don’t practice)
  7. 보다 –> 안 봐요 (Don’t look)
  8. 나가다 –> 안 나가요 (Don’t go out)
  1. 먹다 –> 먹지 않아요
  2. 생각하다 –> 생각하지 않아요
  3. 오다 –> 오지 않아요
  4. 만나다 –> 만나지 않아요
  5. 울다 –> 울지 않아요
  6. 연습하다 –> 연습하지 않아요
  7. 보다 –> 보지 않아요
  8. 나가다 –> 나가지 않아요

Activity 2 Answers

  1. 집에 안 가고 싶어요. (집 – house, 에 – location marking particle) I don’t want to go home.
  2. 영화 잘 안 봐요. (영화 – movie, 잘 – well/often) I don’t watch movies often.
  3. 아무 말 안 했어요. (아무 – any) I didn’t say anything.
  4. 걱정 안 해요. I am not worried
  5. 주말에 친구들 안 만나요. (주말 – weekend, 에 – on/at/in, 친구 – friend, 들 – plural) I don’t meet friends on the weekend.
  6. 남자친구랑 자주 안 싸워요. (남자친구 – boyfriend, 랑 – with, 자주 – often) I do not fight often with my boyfriend.
  7. 저는 고기 안 먹어요. (저 – me, 는 – topic marking particle, 고기 – meat) I don’t eat meat.
  8. 아무도 안 올 거예요. (아무도 – no one) No one will come.
  9. 아직 주문 안 했어요. (아직 – yet) I haven’t ordered yet.

Activity 3 Answers

  1. 걷고 싶지 않아요. I don’t want to walk.
  2. 책 자주 읽지 않아요. (책 – book, 자주 – often) I do not read books often.
  3. 아침에 운동 하지 않아요. (아침 – morning, 에 – in/at/on) I do not exercise in the morning.
  4. 사라를 만나지 않을 거예요. (사라 – Sarah, 를 – object marking particle) I will not meet Sarah.
  5. 내일 가고 싶지 않을 거예요. (내일 – tomorrow) I will not want to go tomorrow.
  6. 저는 결혼하고 싶지 않아요. (저 – me, 는 – topic marking particle) I don’t want to get married.

Activity 4 Answers

  1. 내일 가지 않을 거예요. I will not go tomorrow.
  2. 주말에 운동을 안 해요. I don’t exercise on the weekend.
  3. 아직 편지를 안 보냈어요. I haven’t sent the letter yet.
  4. 남자친구를 만나지 않을 거예요. I will not meet my boyfriend.
  5. 어제 공부 안 했어요. I didn’t study yesterday.
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