Korean Irregular Verbs “ㄹ” (ㄹ 불규칙)

안녕하세요, fabulous verb wranglers! 🌟

Dive into your language adventure hats, because today, we’re diving deep into the wibbly-wobbly world of the Korean “ㄹ” irregular verbs! Imagine them as the mischievous little sprites of the Korean language, dancing around and refusing to play by the rules. Naughty, naughty “ㄹ”! 🕺💃

Are they confusing? Sure! Are they a bit sneaky? Absolutely! But will they defeat our spirit? Not on my watch! And besides, who doesn’t enjoy a good ol’ linguistic challenge now and then?

Join me as we embark on this wild rodeo ride and learn how to tame these rebellious verbs. Saddle up, partner, and let’s get wrangling! 🐎🤠

And remember, in the game of Korean verb limbo, it’s all about flexibility. So, how low can you go… in mastering the “ㄹ” irregulars? Let’s find out! 🎶🎉

What are “ㄹ” Irregular verbs

“ㄹ” irregular verbs are those verbs and adjectives whose stems end with the consonant “ㄹ”. While many Korean verbs have a predictable and regular conjugation pattern, our “ㄹ” friends like to shake things up a bit.

The key characteristic of “ㄹ” irregular verbs is, well, they end in “ㄹ”! For instance, consider the verb 놀다 , which means “to play.” The stem here is , ending in the “ㄹ” consonant.

While “ㄹ” irregular verbs may seem daunting initially, there’s a silver lining. Their patterns, once understood, are consistent. So, the irregularities are, ironically, quite regular in their behaviour. Moreover, they’re frequently used in daily conversations, which means the more you practice, the quicker you’ll get the hang of them!

In essence, while the “ㄹ” irregular verbs do dance to their own tune, with a bit of practice and patience, you’ll soon be waltzing right alongside them, speaking and conjugating with flair and confidence! 🎶🕺📚


  1. Take a verb i.e. 놀다
  2. Drop “다”
  3. Follow the below rules
  • If the verb stem is followed by an ending starting with ㄴ,ㅂ or ㅅ, drop “ㄹ”.
  • If the verb stem is followed by an ending starting with 으, drop “으” and follow the above rules.
  • If the verb stem is followed by an ending starting with ㄹ/을, add ㄹ and the rest of the verb ending.
Verb endingConjugation 놀다Conjugation 만들다Conjugation 알다
-ㄹ/을 거예요놀 거예요만들 거예요알 거예요
-고 싶어요놀고 싶어요만들고 싶어요알고 싶어요
-고 있어요놀고 있어요만들고 있어요알고 있어요
-지 않다놀지 않다만들지 않다알지 않다
-ㄹ/을 수 있다놀 수 있다만들 수 있다알 수 있다
-기 전에놀기 전에만들기 전에알기 전에

Hopefully you can see the pattern here. While these irregular verbs might be a little bit more confusing than other ones, they are still following certain rules.

TIP: I would just memorise one word that I use often with all the different verb endings and then when I know I need to conjugate another irregular “ㄹ” verb, I just follow the memorised verb’s conjugation.

Common “ㄹ” Verbs

KoreanEnglish아/어/여요ㄹ 거예요고 싶어요ㄴ/는데
걸다To hang걸어요걸 거예요걸고 싶어요거는데
끼어들다To cut in끼어들어요끼어들 거예요끼어들고 싶어요끼어드는데
날다To fly날아요날 거예요날고 싶어요나는데
내밀다To hold out내밀어요내밀 거예요내밀고 싶어요내미는데
늘다To improve늘어요늘 거예요늘고 싶어요느는데
돌다To turn around돌아요돌 거예요돌고 싶어요도는데
들다To hold들어요들 거예요들고 싶어요드는데
떠들다To chat떠들어요떠들 거예요떠들고 싶어요떠드는데
물다To bite물어요물 거예요물고 싶어요무는데
밀다To push away밀어요밀 거예요밀고 싶어요미는데
벌다To earn벌어요벌 거예요벌고 싶어요버는데
병들다To get sick병들어요병들 거예요병들고 싶어요병드는데
불다To blow불어요불을 거예요불고 싶어요부는데
빌다To make a wish빌어요빌 거예요빌고 싶어요비는데
살다To live살아요살 거예요살고 싶어요사는데
설다To stand up설어요설 거예요설고 싶어요서는데
열다To open열어요열 거예요열고 싶어요여는데
울다To cry울어요울 거예요울고 싶어요우는데
잠들다To fall asleep잠들어요잠들 거예요잠들고 싶어요잠드는데
팔다To sell팔아요팔 거예요팔고 싶어요파는데
풀다To solve풀어요풀 거예요풀고 싶어요푸는데

Negative sentences

VERB STEM + 지 않다

  1. Take a verb i.e. 놀다
  2. Drop 다 i.e. 다
  3. Add -지 않다 i.e. 놀지 않다
  • 걸다 –> 걸 + 지 않다 –> 걸지 않다
  • 살다 –> 살 + 지 않다 –> 살지 않다
  • 팔다 –> 팔 + 지 않다 –> 팔지 않다


  1. Take a verb i.e. 놀다
  2. Conjugate it i.e. 놀아요
  3. Add 안 before the verb i.e. 안 놀아요
  • 걸다 –> 걸어요 –> 안 걸어요
  • 살다 –> 살아요 –> 안 살아요
  • 팔다 –> 팔아요 –> 안 팔아요


  • 오늘 가게에서 많은 신발을 팔았어요. – I sold many shoes at the store today.
  • 주말에 친구들이랑 놀고 싶어요. – I want to hang out with my friends on the weekend.
  • 한국에서 살지 않아요. – I don’t live in Korea.
  • 문을 열 거예요. – I will open the door.
  • 저녁 만들기 전에 얘기 해요. – Before I make dinner, let’s talk.

Activity 1

Conjugate the below into 아/어/여요

  1. 알다
  2. 열다
  3. 만들다
  4. 걸다
  5. 들다

Activity 2

Conjugate the below into the (스)ㅂ니다 form.

  1. 놀다
  2. 설다
  3. 팔다
  4. 잠들다
  5. 밀다

Activity 3

Re-write the below into negative sentences using -지 않다 and translate them to English.

  1. 새들 날아요.
  2. 제 가방을 들어요.
  3. 이 곳을 걸어요.
  4. 여기서 설어요.
  5. 이거 팔아요.

Activity 1 Answers

  1. 알다 –> 알아요
  2. 열다 –> 열어요
  3. 만들다 –> 만들어요
  4. 걸다 –> 걸어요
  5. 들다 –> 들어요

Activity 2 Answers

  1. 놀다 –> 놉니다
  2. 설다 –> 섭니다
  3. 팔다 –> 팝니다
  4. 잠들다 –> 잠듭니다
  5. 밀다 –> 밉니다

Activity 3 Answers

  1. 새들 날아요. –> 새들 날지 않아요. The birds don’t fly.
  2. 제 가방을 들어요. –> 제 가방을 들지 않아요. – I don’t hold my bag.
  3. 이 곳을 걸어요. –> 이 곳을 걸지 않아요. – I don’t hang these clothes.
  4. 여기서 설어요. – 여기서 설지 않아요. – I don’t stand here.
  5. 이거 팔아요. – 이거 팔지 않아요. – I don’t sell this.

Wrap up

You’ve just tackled the wily world of the “ㄹ” irregular verbs, and let me tell you, even some of the most seasoned K-drama watchers get a little twist in their tongues with these ones. But not you! Well… not after some practice, anyway. 😉

Here’s a thought to make you chuckle: If Korean verbs were a party 🎉, the “ㄹ” irregulars would be the ones dancing like no one’s watching – a little unpredictable but always the life of the party! And now, thanks to this lesson, you’re right there dancing along with them. 💃🕺

So, give yourself a pat on the back (or a kimchi pancake treat 🥞), and remember: every hiccup, every stumble, every “Wait, what was that again?” is just a step towards mastery. Keep going, keep practicing, and soon enough, you’ll be chatting away like a Seoul native on a coffee break!

Catch you in the next lesson, and may your Korean always be as smooth as a perfect bibimbap mix! 🍲🥢

Fighting! 💪🇰🇷🎉

Korean Irregulars
Korean Irregular Verbs “ㅂ”
Korean Irregular Verbs “ㅡ”
Korean Irregular Verbs “르”
Korean Irregular Verbs “ㄷ”
Korean Irregular Verbs “ㄹ”
Korean Irregular Verbs “ㅅ”
Korean Irregular Verbs “ㅎ”
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