Korean Irregular Verbs “ㄷ” (ㄷ 불규칙)

안녕하세요, Korean language enthusiasts! 🌟

Today, we’re diving deep into the world of… drum roll, please… 🥁 the ‘ㄷ’ irregular verbs! But wait, before you run for the hills or decide to hide under your blanket, let me assure you: it’s not as daunting as it sounds!

Think of ‘ㄷ’ irregular verbs as that one friend who always brings unexpected snacks to a party. Just when you think you’ve figured them out, BAM! They surprise you with some extra crunch. But hey, who doesn’t love a good snack? Especially if it’s Korean BBQ flavored! 🍖

Join me as we decode these mischievous ‘ㄷ’ irregulars, which are basically the Korean language’s version of popping candy. Unpredictable? Yes. Fun? Absolutely! Let’s roll up our sleeves, grab our Korean dictionaries, and prepare for some linguistic laughs. Remember, every quirky verb rule is just another story waiting to be told. 📖😂

Ready to dive into the delightful (and sometimes dizzying) domain of the ‘ㄷ’ irregulars? Let’s get started! 🚀📘

Definition of a “ㄷ” irregular

A ‘ㄷ’ irregular verb, sometimes referred to as a “ㄷ 불규칙 동사”, is a verb that has the consonant ‘ㄷ’ (known as “디귿” in Korean) as the final consonant of its stem. When you conjugate these verbs, under specific conditions, this ‘ㄷ’ undergoes a metamorphosis, transforming into a ‘ㄹ’.

Not Always a Rebel

While the ‘ㄷ’ is known for its rebellious transformation, it doesn’t always change.

So while before, there were some rules you could follow, there are not any in this case. BUT before you panic, there are only few verbs you need to remember and they are pretty commonly used so you will be able to grasp them soon enough.

“ㄷ” Irregular Verbs

  • 듣다 – To hear
  • 묻다 – To ask
  • 걷다 – To walk
  • 깨닫다 – To realize
  • 붇다 – To swell up (with water)
  • 긷다 – To draw water
  • 싣다 – To load

See? There is not that many. I personally use the first four quite often as you can imagine, and the last three rarely or never.

PLEASE NOTE that the batchim ㄷ only changes to ㄹ if it is followed by a vowel i.e. 아/어/여요.

Different conjugations of “ㄷ”

KoreanEnglishHighest honorificsPresent tensePast tenseFuture tense
듣다To hear듣습니다들어요들었어요들을 거예요
묻다To ask묻습니다물어요물었어요물을 거예요
걷다To walk걷습니다걸어요걸었어요걸을 거예요
깨닫다To realize깨닫습니다깨달아요깨달았어요깨달을 거예요
붇다To swell up붇습니다불어요불었어요불을 거예요
긷다To draw water긷습니다길어요길었어요길을 거예요
싣다To load싣습니다실어요실었어요실을 거예요

Let’s look at some other types of conjugations.

Korean고 있어요고 싶다는 중이에요ㄹ/을 수 있다
듣다듣고 있어요듣고 싶어요듣는 중이에요들을 수 있어요
묻다묻고 있어요묻고 싶어요묻는 중이에요물을 수 있어요
걷다걷고 있어요걷고 싶어요걷는 중이에요걸을 수 있어요
깨닫다깨닫고 있어요깨닫고 싶어요깨닫는 중이에요깨달을 수 있어요
붇다붇고 있어요붇고 싶어요붇는 중이에요불을 수 있어요
긷다긷고 있어요긷고 싶어요긷는 중이에요길을 수 있어요
싣다싣고 있어요싣고 싶어요싣는 중이에요실을 수 있어요

The Future tense and ㄹ/을 수 있어요 structure – in both examples, the verb HAS to be followed by 을 instead of just ㄹ as per the normal rules and that is why the batchim “ㄷ” changes to “ㄹ”. In the other examples, the verb stem is followed by a consonant and therefore the “ㄷ” does not change to “ㄹ”.

Negative sentences

VERB STEM + 지 않다

  1. Take a verb i.e. 듣다
  2. Drop 다 i.e. 다
  3. Add -지 않다 i.e. 듣지 않다
  • 묻다 –> 묻 + 지 않다 –> 묻지 않다
  • 걷다 –> 걷 + 지 않다 –> 걷지 않다
  • 깨닫다 –> 깨닫 + 지 않다 –> 깨닫지 않다


  1. Take a verb i.e. 듣다
  2. Conjugate it i.e. 들어요
  3. Add 안 before the verb i.e. 안 들어요
  • 묻다 –> 물어요 –> 안 물어요
  • 걷다 –> 걸어요 –> 안 걸어요
  • 깨닫다 –> 깨달아요 –> 안 깨달아요

Example sentences

  • 저는 노래 들어요. – I listen to music.
  • 매일 공원에서 걸어요. – I walk in the park every day.
  • 아무것도 안 물었어요. – I didn’t ask anything.

Activity 1

Conjugate the below into present tense.

  1. 듣다
  2. 받다
  3. 걷다
  4. 묻다
  5. 닫다

Activity 2

Fill in the gaps.

  1. 어제 친구한테 선물 __________. – I received a gift from a friend yesterday.
  2. 하루종일 노래 __________. – I am listening to music every day.
  3. 문을 __________. – I can close the door.
  4. 조금 __________. – I want to walk a little.
  5. 궁금하면 __________. – Ask if you are curious.

Activity 1 Answers

  1. 듣다 – 들어요
  2. 받다 – 받아요
  3. 걷다 – 걸어요
  4. 묻다 – 물어요
  5. 닫다 – 닫아요

Activity 2 Answers

  1. 어제 친구한테 선물 받았어요. – I received a gift from a friend yesterday.
  2. 하루종일 노래 듣고 있어요. – I am listening to music every day.
  3. 문을 닫을 수 있어요. – I can close the door.
  4. 조금 걷고 싶어요. – I want to walk a little.
  5. 궁금하면 물어요. – Ask if you are curious.

Wrap up

Well, well, well! Here we are at the end of another enchanting journey through the wacky and whimsical world of Korean ‘ㄷ’ irregular verbs. Wasn’t it a roller coaster of “ah-has” and “ooh-lalas”?

Let’s take a quick stroll down memory lane:

  • We spotted the ‘ㄷ’ irregular verbs in a line-up (they couldn’t hide from us for long! 😎).
  • We unveiled the magical transformation spell where ‘ㄷ’ becomes a chic ‘ㄹ’ whenever it feels like jazzing things up.
  • And, we realized that, just like in any great story, there are always exceptions to the rule.

Hopefully, you’re walking away from this lesson with a wizard’s understanding of the topic. And remember, if ever you stumble upon a ‘ㄷ’ verb in the wild streets of the Korean language, don’t panic! Simply whisper the magic words: “Transform, dear ‘ㄷ’, if you must!” And if it doesn’t? Well, maybe it’s just having an off day. 😉

Thanks for joining this linguistic carnival. Keep practicing, stay curious, and always remember to find joy in the journey. Because as we all know, every ‘ㄷ’ has its day!

Until next time, wizards and witches! Keep those wands (or in our case, pens) waving and those books flipping! 🎩✨📚😂

Korean Irregulars
Korean Irregular Verbs “ㅂ”
Korean Irregular Verbs “ㅡ”
Korean Irregular Verbs “르”
Korean Irregular Verbs “ㄷ”
Korean Irregular Verbs “ㄹ”
Korean Irregular Verbs “ㅅ”
Korean Irregular Verbs “ㅎ”
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