Welcome to our blog post on Korean Grammar Exercises: Daily Routine Vocabulary! If you’re learning Korean and looking to enhance your language skills, understanding daily routine vocabulary is essential. In this post, we’ll delve into common words and phrases related to daily activities, helping you build your vocabulary and grasp the fundamentals of Korean grammar. These exercises will provide practical examples and practice opportunities to solidify your knowledge. Get ready to explore the world of daily routines in Korean and take your language proficiency to the next level. Let’s dive in!
In the morning
Korean | Romanization | English |
일어나다 | I-reo-na-da | To get up |
잠에서 깨다 | Jam-e-seo ggae-da | To wake up |
알람 끄기 | Al-lam ggeu-ki | To turn off alarm |
침대를 정리하다 | Chim-dae-reul jeong-ri-ha-da | To make bed |
스트레칭을 하다 | Seu-teu-re-ching-eul ha-da | To stretch |
세수하다 | Se-su-ha-da | To wash face |
면도하다 | Myeon-do-ha-da | To shave |
샤워하다 | Sya-weo-ha-da | To take a shower |
이를 닦다 | I-reul dakk-da | To brush teeth |
웃을 입다 | U-seul ib-da | To put on clothes |
커피를 마시다 | Keo-pi-reul ma-shi-da | To drink coffee |
신문을 읽다 | Shin-mun-eul Ilk-da | To read newspaper |
가방을 챙기다 | Ga-bang-eul chaeng-i-da | To pack a bag |
화장하다 | Hwa-jang-ha-da | To put on make up |
아침을 먹다 | A-chim-eul meok-da | To eat breakfast |
학교 가다 | Hak-gyo ga-da | To go to school |
출근하다 | Chul-geun-ha-da | To go to work |
Korean | Romanization | English |
버스 타다 | Beo-seu ta-da | To take a bus |
회의가 있다 | Hwe-ui-ga it-da | To have a meeting |
수업 있다 | Su-eob it-da | To have a class |
일하다 | Il-ha-da | To work |
공부하다 | Gong-bu-ha-da | To study |
발표하다 | Bal-pyo-ha-da | To give a presentation |
시험 보다 | Shi-heom bo-da | To take a test |
숙제하다 | Suk-je-ha-da | To do homework |
퇴근하다 | Twe-geun-ha-da | To get off work |
지각하다 | Ji-gak-ha-da | To be late for work |
점심 시간 | Jeom-shim shi-gan | Lunch time |
점심을 먹다 | Jeom-shim-eul meok-da | To eat lunch |
Household chores
Korean | Romanization | English |
집안일 | Jib-an-il | Housechores |
청소하다 | Cheong-seo-ha-da | To clean |
빨래하다 | Bbal-lae-ha-da | To do the laundry |
설거지하다 | Seol-geo-ji-ha-da | To do the dishes |
장을 보다 | Jang-eul bo-da | To do grocery shopping |
닦다 | Ddak-da | To mop/clean/brush/wipe |
청소기 | Cheong-so-gi | Vacuum cleaner |
치우다 | Chi-u-da | To clean/tidy |
정리하다 | Jeong-ri-ha-da | To organize/arrange |
털다 | Teol-da | To dust/brush |
먼지 | Meon-ji | Dust |
버리다 | Beo-ri-da | To throw away |
심부름 | Shim-bu-reum | Errand |
다리다 | Da-ri-da | To iron |
Leisure activities & exercise
Korean | Romanization | English |
영화 보다 | Yeong-hwa bo-da | To watch movie |
음악 듣다 | Eum-ak deut-da | To listen to music |
책 읽다 | Chaek ilk-da | To read book |
운동하다 | Un-dong-ha-da | To exercise |
산책하다 | San-chaek-ha-da | To go for a walk |
사진 찍다 | Sa-jin jjik-da | To take photos |
그림 그리다 | Geu-rim geu-ri-da | To draw |
요리하다 | Yo-ri-ha-da | To cook |
수영하다 | Su-yong-ha-da | To swim |
등산하다 | Deung-san-ha-da | To go hiking |
친구 만나다 | Chin-gu man-na-da | To meet friend |
Korean | Romanization | English |
항상 | Hang-sang | Always |
매일 | Mae-il | Everyday |
보통 | Bo-tong | Usually |
자주 | Ja-ju | Often |
가끔 | Ga-ggeum | Sometimes |
종종 | Jong-jong | Occasionally |
거의 안 | Keo-ui an | Almost never |
절대 | Jeol-dae | Never |
일찍 | Il-jjik | Early |
벌써 | Beol-sseo | Already |
지금 | Ji-geum | Now |
바로 | Ba-ro | Immediately |
먼저 | Meon-jeo | First |
Activity 1
Complete the following sentences with the appropriate verb form and vocabulary related to daily routines:
- 저는 매일 아침에 7시에 ________ . – I always wake up 7 o’clock in the morning.
- 저는 항상 점심 시간에 ________ . I always eat lunch during lunchtime.
- 엄마는 매일 집 _________. (My) mum cleans the house every day.
- 우리 가족은 주말에 같이 ________ . Our family goes for a walk on the weekend.
- 저는 매일 밤에 일찍 ________ . I always go to sleep early.
- 저는 종종 주말에 친구들과 함께 영화를 ________ . I occasionally watch movie with my friends on the weekend.
- 저는 가족들이랑 주말에 음식을 ___________. I cook food with my family on the weekend.
Activity 2
Create sentences using the given words below.
- 먼저-샤워하다-아침에-저는 – I first take a shower in the morning.
- 수업-학교에- 있다-매일 – I have class everyday at school.
- 도사관에서-공부하다-주말에-자주 – I often study in the library on the weekend.
- 6시에-보통-아빠는-퇴근하다 – (My) dad usually gets off work at 6 o’clock.
- 지각하다-언니는-자주 – (My) sister is often late to work.
- 설거지하다-가끔-남동생 – (My) younger brother washes dishes sometimes.
- 아침에-아빠는-운동하다-매일 (My) dad always exercises in the morning.
Activity 3
Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.
저는 보통 아침에 7시에 일어나요. 아침에 일찍 일어나기 너무 힘들어요. 더 자고 싶어요. 일어나서 샤워하고 아침 먹어요. 그리고 화장 해요. 8시쯤에 집에서 나가요. 버스 타고 학교에 가요.
- When do I wake up in the morning?
- What do I do after taking a shower?
- Where am I going at 8 o’clock in the morning?
- How do I get there?
Activity 1 Answers
- 저는 매일 아침에 7시에 일어나요 . – I always wake up 7 o’clock in the morning.
- 저는 항상 점심 시간에 밥을 먹어요 . I always eat lunch during lunchtime.
- 엄마는 매일 집 청소해요. (My) mum cleans the house every day.
- 우리 가족은 주말에 같이 산책해요 . Our family goes for a walk on the weekend.
- 저는 매일 밤에 일찍 자요 . I always go to sleep early.
- 저는 종종 주말에 친구들과 함께 영화를 봐요 . I occasionally watch movie with my friends on the weekend.
- 저는 가족들이랑 주말에 음식을 요리해요. I cook food with my family on the weekend.
Activity 2 Answers
- 저는 아침에 먼저 샤워해요 – I first take a shower in the morning.
- 매일 학교에 수업 있어요 – I have class everyday at school.
- 주말에 도사관에서 자주 공부해요 – I often study in the library on the weekend.
- 아빠는 보통 6시에 퇴근해요- (My) dad usually gets off work at 6 o’clock.
- 언니는 자주 지각해요 – (My) sister is often late to work.
- 남동생 가끔 설거지해요 – (My) younger brother washes dishes sometimes.
- 아빠는 매일 아침에 운동해요 – (My) dad always exercises in the morning.
Activity 3 Answers
I usually wake up 7 o’clock in the morning. It’s too hard to wake up early in the morning. I want to sleep longer. After waking up, I shower and I eat breakfast. And I apply make-up. I leave my house around 8’clock. I take the bus to school.
- When do I wake up in the morning? – 7 o’clock
- What do I do after taking a shower? – Eat breakfast
- Where am I going at 8 o’clock in the morning? – To school
- How do I get there? – I take a bus
In conclusion, practicing Korean grammar exercises that focus on daily routine vocabulary is an effective way to enhance your language skills and expand your practical knowledge of Korean. Daily routines are an integral part of our lives, and being able to express them accurately and fluently in Korean will greatly improve your ability to communicate and connect with native speakers.
By engaging in exercises that involve filling in the blanks, transforming sentences, and answering questions, you not only reinforce your understanding of grammar rules but also consolidate your grasp of commonly used vocabulary related to daily routines. These exercises provide valuable opportunities to apply the language in context, allowing you to develop a natural flow and proficiency in expressing your daily activities.
Regular practice of these exercises will also enhance your overall language proficiency, as you become more comfortable constructing sentences, conjugating verbs, and using appropriate vocabulary. As you progress, you’ll notice an improvement in your ability to hold conversations, describe your daily routines, and understand others talking about theirs.
So, whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate learner, incorporating Korean grammar exercises focused on daily routine vocabulary into your study routine will undoubtedly contribute to your language development and bring you closer to achieving your Korean language goals. Keep practicing, and enjoy the journey of learning Korean!