Korean future tense practice questions

If you need to recap the future tense 을/ㄹ 거예요 then check out this post here.

Activity 1

Conjugate the below verbs into the future tense and translate to English/your own language.

  1. 보내다
  2. 웃다
  3. 싸우다
  4. 지다
  5. 없다
  6. 놀다
  7. 거짓말하다
  8. 가지다
  9. 가르치다
  10. 오다

Activity 2

Fill the blanks with the correctly conjugated word.

  1. 저녁은 내일 가족들이랑 같이 ____________. (저녁 – dinner, 은 – topic marking particle, 내일 – tomorrow, 가족들 – family, 이랑 – with, 같이 – together) I will eat dinner together with my family tomorrow.
  2. 김치를 ______________. (김치 – Kimchi, 를 – object marking particle) I will give you Kimchi.
  3. 내년에 다시 _____________. (내년 – next year, 에 – at/in/or, 다시 – again) I will come again next year.
  4. 5월에 남자친구랑 ______________. (월 – month, 에 – in/on/at, 남자친구 – boyfriend, 랑 – with) I will get married with my boyfriend in May.
  5. 같이 _____________? (같이 – together) Will you see it together?
  6. 주말에 술 _____________. (주말 – weekend, 에 – on/in/at, 술 – alcohol) I will drink alcohol on the weekend
  7. 선생님이 그거 내일 _____________. (선생님 – teacher, 이 – subject marking particle, 그거 – that, 내일 – tomorrow) The teacher will teach that tomorrow.
  8. 한 시간 후에 집 ___________. (한 – one, 시간 – hour, 후에 – in, 집 – house) I will leave the house in one hour.
  9. 옷 ______________. (옷 – clothes) I will change my clothes.
  10. 내년에 대학교 ____________. (내년 – next year, 에 – in/on/at, 대학교 – university/college) I will attend university next year.

Activity 3

Listen to the below recording and write down the words in the past tense form (each word will be repeated twice) and translate to English/your own language.

Activity 4

Listen to the below recording and write down the full sentence and translate to English/your own language (each sentence will be repeated twice).

Activity 5

Identify which words are conjugated correctly and which ones are not. Correct the words that are not conjugated correctly.

  1. 놀을 거예요
  2. 만낭 거에요
  3. 울 거에요
  4. 살 거예요
  5. 내를 거예요
  6. 대답할 거예요
  7. 고칠 거예요
  8. 걸을 거예요
  9. 모를 거예요
  10. 쉴 거예요

Activity 1 Answers

  1. 보내다 –> 보낼 거예요 (Will send)
  2. 웃다 –> 웃을 거예요 (Will laugh)
  3. 싸우다 –> 싸울 거예요 (Will fight)
  4. 지다 –>질 거예요 (Will loose)
  5. 없다 –> 없을 거예요 (Will not have/will not be there)
  6. 놀다 –> 놀 거예요 (Will play/will hang out)
  7. 거짓말하다 –> 거짓말할 거예요 (Will lie)
  8. 가지다 –> 가질 거예요 (Will have)
  9. 가르치다 –> 가르칠 거예요 (Will teach)
  10. 오다 – 올 거예요 (Will come)

Activity 2 Answers

  1. 저녁은 내일 가족들이랑 같이 먹을 거예요. (저녁 – dinner, 은 – topic marking particle, 내일 – tomorrow, 가족들 – family, 이랑 – with, 같이 – together) I will eat dinner together with my family tomorrow.
  2. 김치를 줄 거예요. (김치 – Kimchi, 를 – object marking particle) I will give you Kimchi.
  3. 내년에 다시 올 거예요. (내년 – next year, 에 – at/in/or, 다시 – again) I will come again next year.
  4. 5월에 남자친구랑 결혼할 거예요. (월 – month, 에 – in/on/at, 남자친구 – boyfriend, 랑 – with) I will get married with my boyfriend in May.
  5. 같이 볼 거예요? (같이 – together) Will you see it together?
  6. 주말에 술 마실 거예요. (주말 – weekend, 에 – on/in/at, 술 – alcohol) I will drink alcohol on the weekend
  7. 선생님이 그거 내일 가르칠 거예요. (선생님 – teacher, 이 – subject marking particle, 그거 – that, 내일 – tomorrow) The teacher will teach that tomorrow.
  8. 한 시간 후에 집 나갈 거예요. (한 – one, 시간 – hour, 후에 – in, 집 – house) I will leave the house in one hour.
  9. 옷 갈아입을 거예요. (옷 – clothes) I will change my clothes.
  10. 내년에 대학교 다닐 거예요. (내년 – next year, 에 – in/on/at, 대학교 – university/college) I will attend university next year.

Activity 3 Answers

  1. 심심하다 –> 심심할 거예요 (Will be bored)
  2. 쓰다 –> 쓸 거예요 (Will write)
  3. 주다 –> 줄 거예요 (Will give)
  4. 마시다 –> 마실 거예요 (Will drink)
  5. 기억하다 –> 기억할 거예요 (Will remember)
  6. 걱정하다 –> 걱정할 거예요 (Will worry)
  7. 다니다 –> 다닐 거예요 (Will attend)
  8. 생각하다 –> 생각할 거예요 (Will think)
  9. 보다 –> 볼 거예요 (Will see)
  10. 그만하다 –> 그만할 거예요 (Will stop)

Activity 4 Answers

  1. 내년에 한국 갈 거예요 – I will go to Korea next year.
  2. 내일은 있을 거예요 – I will be there tomorrow/I will have it tomorrow.
  3. 제가 한국어 배울 거예요 – I will learn Korean.
  4. 친구들 만날 거예요? – Will you meet your friends?
  5. 내년에 한국에 살 거예요 – I will live in Korea next year.

Activity 5 Answers

  1. 놀을 거예요 – 놀 거예요 (Will play/will hang out)
  2. 만낭 거에요 – 만날 거예요 (Will meet)
  3. 울 거에요 – 울 거예요 (Will cry)
  4. 살 거예요 – Correct (Will live)
  5. 내를 거예요 – 낼 거예요 (Will pay)
  6. 대답할 거예요 – Correct (Will answer)
  7. 고칠 거예요 – Correct (Will fix)
  8. 걸을 거예요 – Correct (Will walk)
  9. 모를 거예요 – Correct (Will not know)
  10. 쉴 거예요 – Correct (Will rest)
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