Jobs and professions vocabulary and phrases

Learning a new language opens up a world of opportunities, enabling you to connect with different cultures and communities. Korean boasts a rich vocabulary when it comes to jobs and professions. Whether you’re planning to work in Korea or simply want to expand your language skills, understanding Korean job-related terms can greatly enhance your language proficiency. In this blog post, we will dive into the fascinating world of Korean vocabulary related to jobs and professions.

Common job titles and professions

Towards the bottom of this article you can find a long list of different jobs and professions but let’s explore some of the most commonly used job titles and professions in Korea, providing you with insights into the diverse workforce of this fascinating country.

Doctors and Healthcare Professionals

South Korea boasts a highly regarded healthcare system, which necessitates a range of specialized medical professionals. Here are a few essential job titles in the medical field:

  • 의사 (ui-sa): Doctor
  • 간호사 (gan-ho-sa): Nurse
  • 약사 (yak-sa): Pharmacist
  • 치과의사 (chi-gwa-ui-sa): Dentist
  • 한의사 (han-ui-sa): Traditional Korean Medicine Doctor

Educators and Academia

Education is highly valued in Korean society, leading to a vibrant academic sector. Here are some job titles commonly found in the field of education:

  • 선생님 (seon-saeng-nim): Teacher
  • 교수 (gyo-su): Professor
  • 학생 (hak-saeng): Student
  • 강사 (gang-sa): Instructor
  • 교강사 (gyo-gang-sa): Lecturer

Engineering and Technology

Korea’s robust technological advancements have created a demand for skilled engineers and technology professionals. Here are a few job titles in this field:

  • 엔지니어 (en-ji-ni-eo): Engineer
  • 개발자 (gae-bal-ja): Developer
  • 설계사 (seol-gye-sa): Designer
  • 프로젝트 매니저 (peu-ro-jeok-teu me-ni-jeo): Project Manager
  • 로봇공학자 (ro-bot-gong-hak-ja): Robotics Engineer

Business and Finance

Korea’s strong economy relies on professionals in the business and finance sectors. Here are some common job titles related to business and finance:

  • 회계사 (hoe-gye-sa): Accountant
  • 경영자 (gyeong-yeong-ja): Manager
  • 영업사원 (yeong-eop-sa-won): Sales Representative
  • 투자은행원 (tu-ja-eun-haeng-won): Investment Banker
  • 경제학자 (gyeong-je-hak-ja): Economist

Arts and Entertainment

Korea’s vibrant arts and entertainment industry has gained global recognition. Here are a few job titles in this creative field:

  • 예술가 (ye-sul-ga): Artist
  • 가수 (ga-su): Singer
  • 배우 (bae-u): Actor/Actress
  • 작가 (jak-ga): Writer
  • 감독 (gam-dok): Director
  • 아이돌 (a-i-dol): Idol

Job related vocabulary

Proficiency in job-related vocabulary is crucial for effective communication in the professional world, whether you’re seeking employment opportunities, networking, or conducting business in Korean-speaking environments. This blog post aims to equip you with essential job-related Korean vocabulary, empowering you to navigate work-related conversations and enhance your language skills in the context of careers and employment.

Basic Workplace Terminology

  • Office: 사무실 (sa-mu-shil)
  • Work: 일 (il)
  • Meeting: 회의 (hoe-ui)
  • Deadline: 마감일 (ma-gam-il)
  • Team: 팀 (tim)
  • Project: 프로젝트 (peu-ro-jek-teu)
  • Task: 업무 (eop-mu)
  • Report: 보고서 (bo-go-seo)
  • Email: 이메일 (i-me-il)

Job Titles and Professions

  • Manager: 매니저 (mae-ni-jeo)
  • Director: 이사 (i-sa)
  • Employee: 직원 (jik-won)
  • Intern: 인턴 (in-teon)
  • Specialist: 전문가 (jeon-mun-ga)
  • Consultant: 컨설턴트 (keon-seol-teon-teu)
  • Entrepreneur: 사업가 (sa-eop-ga)
  • Assistant: 보조 (bo-jo)
  • Supervisor: 감독 (gam-dok)

Applying for Jobs

  • Resume/CV: 이력서 (i-ryeok-seo)
  • Interview: 면접 (myeon-jeob)
  • Application: 지원서 (ji-won-seo)
  • Qualifications: 자격 (ja-gyeok)
  • Skills: 기술 (gi-sul)
  • Experience: 경험 (gyeong-heom)
  • References: 추천서 (chu-cheom-seo)
  • Cover letter: 자기소개서 (ja-gi-so-gae-seo)
  • Job opening: 채용 공고 (chae-yong gong-go)

Workplace Culture and Etiquette

  • Hierarchy: 계층 구조 (gye-cheok gu-jo)
  • Respect: 존중 (jon-jung)
  • Teamwork: 팀워크 (tim-weo-keu)
  • Collaboration: 협력 (hyeop-ryeok)
  • Professionalism: 전문성 (jeon-mun-seong)
  • Punctuality: 시간 엄수 (si-gan eom-su)
  • Dress code: 복장 규정 (bok-jang gyu-jeong)
  • Work-life balance: 업무와 생활의 균형 (eop-mu-wa saeng-hwal-ui gyun-hyeong)

Salary and Benefits

  • Salary: 월급 (wol-geup)
  • Bonus: 보너스 (bo-neo-seu)
  • Benefits: 혜택 (hye-taek)
  • Vacation: 휴가 (hyu-ga)
  • Retirement: 은퇴 (eun-toe)
  • Health insurance: 건강 보험 (geon-gang bo-heom)
  • Pension: 연금 (yeon-geum)
  • Allowance: 수당 (su-dang)


Greetings and Introductions

  • 안녕하세요 (An-nyeong-ha-se-yo) – Hello/Good day.
  • 만나서 반갑습니다. (Man-na-seo ban-gap-seum-ni-da.) – Nice to meet you.
  • 저는 [이름]입니다. (Jeo-neun [i-reum]-im-ni-da.) – I am [name].
  • 어디에서 일하세요? (Eo-di-e-seo il-ha-se-yo?) – Where do you work?
  • 이 일에 대해 어떻게 생각하세요? (I il-e dae-hae eot-teoh-ge saeng-gak-ha-se-yo?) – What are your thoughts on this job?
  • 저는 회계삽니다. (Jeo-neun hwe-gye-sam-ni-da). I am an accountant.


  • 감사합니다. 면접 기회를 주셔서요. (Gam-sa-ham-ni-da. Myeon-jeop gi-hoe-reul ju-syeo-seo-yo.) – Thank you for the interview opportunity.
  • 회사에 대해 많이 알아봤습니다. (Hoe-sa-e dae-hae man-i a-ra-bwa-sseum-ni-da.) – I have learned a lot about the company.
  • 회사의 가치와 목표에 공감합니다. (Hoe-sa-ui ga-chi-wa mok-pyo-e gong-gam-ham-ni-da.) – I resonate with the company’s values and goals.
  • 저는 이 일에 열정을 가지고 있습니다. (Jeo-neun i il-e yeol-jeong-eul ga-ji-go is-sseum-ni-da.) – I am passionate about this job.
  • 제 경험을 통해 다양한 역량을 발전시켰습니다. (Je gyeong-heom-eul tong-hae da-yang-han yeog-lyeong-eul bal-jeon-sikyeo-sseum-ni-da.) – Through my experience, I have developed diverse skills.

Asking for information

  • 무엇을 도와드릴까요? (Mu eos eul do wa deu ril kka yo?) – How can I assist you?
  • 이 프로젝트에 대해 설명해 주세요. (I peu ro jek teu-e dae hae seol myeong hae ju se yo.) – Please explain about this project.
  • 제가 맡은 업무에 대해 자세히 알려주세요. (Je ga mat-eun eop mu-e dae hae ja se hi al lyeo ju se yo.) – Please provide detailed information about my assigned tasks.
  • 제출 기한이 언제인가요? (Je chul gi-han-i eon je in ga yo?) – When is the deadline for submission?

Seeking clarigfication

  • 이해가 안 가는 부분이 있습니다. (I hae ga an ga neun bu bun-i its seum ni da.) – There’s a part that I don’t understand.
  • 다시 설명해 주실 수 있을까요? (Da si seol myeong hae ju sil su iss eul gga yo?) – Could you please explain it again?
  • 이 절차는 어떻게 진행되나요? (I jeol cha-neun eot teoh ge jin haeng doe na yo?) – How does this process proceed?
  • 제가 맡은 역할에 대해 더 자세히 알고 싶습니다. (Je ga mat-eun yeog hal-e dae hae deo ja se hi al go sip seum ni da.) – I would like to know more about my role and responsibilities.

Giving and receiving feedback

  • 일을 잘 하셨어요. (Ir-eul jal ha-syeo-sseo-yo.) – You did a good job.
  • 고생하셨어요. (go-saeng-ha-syeo-sseo-yo) – You did a good job/You worked hard (fixed expression)
  • 수고하셨어요. (Su-go ha-seyo-sseo-yo). – You did a good job/You worked hard (fixed expression)
  • 더 발전할 수 있는 점이 있을 것 같아요. (Deo bal-jeon-hal su iss-neun jeom-i iss-eul geot gat-a-yo.) – I think there are areas for improvement.
  • 피드백을 주시면 감사하겠습니다. (Pi-deu-baeg-eul ju-si-myeon gam-sa-ha-ges-seum-ni-da.) – I would appreciate your feedback.”

What is the difference between 고생하셨어요 and 수고하셨어요

Both “고생하셨어요” and “수고하셨어요” are expressions used in Korean to express appreciation or acknowledge someone’s hard work, effort, or perseverance. While they are similar in meaning, there is a slight difference in their usage.

  • 고생하셨어요
    • This expression is used to recognize and appreciate the efforts, hard work, or hardships someone has endured.
    • It is often used when someone has overcome challenges, worked tirelessly, or put in a significant amount of effort into a task or project.
    • It can be used in various situations, such as after completing a difficult project, accomplishing a personal goal, or going through a tough period in life.
    • It conveys a sense of admiration and gratitude for the person’s dedication and perseverance.
  • 수고하셨어요
    • This expression is used to acknowledge and thank someone for their hard work, effort, or contribution.
    • It is commonly used in professional or work-related settings to appreciate someone’s contributions to a project, meeting, or daily tasks.
    • It can also be used in daily life to express gratitude to someone who has done something helpful or significant.
    • It conveys a sense of respect and gratitude for the person’s work and the impact they have made.

Both expressions are polite forms of appreciation and can be used interchangeably in many situations, but “고생하셨어요” tends to carry a slightly stronger connotation of recognizing someone’s hardships and challenges as 고생 means suffering in Korean.

List of jobs and professions

회계사 hoe-gye-saAccountant
배우 bae-uActor
광고 전문가gwang-go jeon-mun-gaAdvertising specialist
항공우주공학자hang-gong-u-ju-gong-hak-jaAerospace engineer
구급차 운전사gu-geup-cha un-jeon-saAmbulance driver
동물 관리인 dong-mul gwal-li-inAnimal caretaker
건축가 geon-chuk-gaArchitect
보조 bo-joAssistant
제빵사 je-ppang-saBaker
바리스타 ba-ri-seu-taBarista
부기계원 bu-gi-gye-wonBookkeeper
버스 운전사 beo-seu un-jeon-saBus driver
실업가 sir-eop-gaBusiness(wo)man
정육업자 jeong-yug-eop-jaButcher
목수 mok-suCarpenter
출납계원 chul-lap-gye-wonCashier
요리사 yo-ri-saChef
육아종사자 yug-a-jong-sa-jaChildcare worker
청소부 cheong-so-buCleaner
코치 ko-chiCoach
건설노동자 geon-seol-no-dong-jaConstruction worker
미용사 mi-yong-saCosmetologist
상담원 sang-dam-wonCounsellor
고객센터 직원 go-gaek-sen-teo jig-wonCustomer service representative
치위생사 chi-wi-saeng-saDental assistant
치과 의사 chi-gwa ui-saDentist
감독 gam-dokDirector
의사 ui-saDoctor
편집자 pyeon-jip-saEditor
전기기사 jeon-gi-gi-saElectrician
농부 nong-buFarmer
금융 상담원 geum-yung sang-dam-wonFinancial advisor
소방관 so-bang-gwanFire fighter
운동 강사 un-dong gang-saFitness instructor
승무원 seung-mu-wonFlight attendant
그래픽 디자이너 geu-rae-pik di-ja-i-neoGraphic designer
미용사 mi-yong-saHairdresser
의료계 종사자 ui-ryo-gye jong-sa-jaHealthcare worker
호텔 접수원 ho-tel jeop-su-wonHotel receptionist
인사조수 in-sa-jo-suHuman resources assistant
IT 전문가 IT jeon-mun-gaIT specialist
관리인 gwan-li-inJanitor
기자 gi-jaJournalist
유치원 교사 yu-chi-won gyo-saKindergarten teacher
임상병리사 im-sang-byeong-ri-saLaboratory technologist
변호사 byeon-ho-saLawyer
사서 sa-seoLibrarian
인명 구조원 in-myeong gu-jo-wonLifeguard
자물쇠 장수ja-mul-sswe jang-suLocksmith
우편집배원 u-pyeon-jip-bae-wonMailman
관리 직원 gwaln-li jig-wonMaintenance worker
매니저 mae-ni-jeoManager
마케팅전문가 ma-ke-ting-jeon-mun-gaMarketing specialist
정비사 jeong-bi-saMechanic
음악가 eum-ak-gaMusician
간호사 gan-ho-saNurse
화가 hwa-gaPainter
개인간호사 gae-in-gan-ho-saPersonal caretaker
개인 트레이너 gae-in teu-re-i-neoPersonal trainer
약사 yak-saPharmacist
사진작가 sa-jin-jak-gaPhotographer
비행사 bi-haeng-saPilot
배관공 bae-gwan-gongPlumber
경찰관 gyeong-chal-gwanPoliceman
우체국 사무원 u-che-guk sa-mu-wonPost office clerk
교수 gyo-suProfessor
프로그래머 peu-ro-geu-rae-meoProgrammer
부동산 중개인 bu-dong-san jung-gae-inReal estate agent
접수 담당자jeop-su dam-dang-jaReceptionist
판매원 pan-mae-wonSales person
학교장 hak-gyo-jangSchool principal
비서 bi-seoSecretary
경비원 gyeong-bi-wonSecurity guard
사회복지사 sa-hoe-bok-ji-saSocial worker
군인 gun-inSoldier
스타일리스트 seu-ta-il-li-seu-teuStylist
택시 운전사 taek-si un-jeon-saTaxi driver
텔레마케터 tel-le-ma-ke-teoTelemarketer
관광 가이드 gwan-gwang ga-i-deuTour guide
여행사 직원 yeo-haeng-sa jig-wonTravel agent
트럭 운전사 teu-reok un-jeon-saTruck driver
수의사 su-ui-saVeterinarian
웨이터 we-i-teoWaiter
작가 jak-gaWriter

Activity 1

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Activity 1 Answers

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