Indicating particle (으)로: Method, Toward, By, With, From, As

The Korean language is known for its rich grammar and unique linguistic features. Among these features, the particle “으로” (euro) holds a special place. “으로” is a versatile particle that carries multiple meanings and functions. In this blog post, we will explore the various uses of “으로” and provide examples to help you grasp its nuances. From indicating direction and purpose to expressing means and extent, “으로” adds depth and precision to Korean sentences. Join us as we unravel the essence of “으로” and delve into its fascinating linguistic landscape.


This particle is attached to NOUNS and it can mean variety of different things which we will cover down below.

  • If the noun ends with a consonant, add 으로 i.e. 한국으로
  • If the noun ends with a vowel OR ㄹ, add 로 i.e. 연필로/학교로

Usage 1 – Indicating direction

One of the primary functions of “으로” is to indicate direction. It is used to express movement toward a specific destination or target. For example, “학교로 가요” means “I’m heading towards the school.” Similarly, “서울로 갈 거예요” translates to “I will go to Seoul.”/ “I will be heading to Seoul”. Whether you’re talking about physical destinations or abstract concepts, “으로” helps convey the direction of your movement.

What is the difference between 에 and (으)로?

The main difference between these two is that:

에 can also specify the location someone is at i.e. 학교에 있어요 – I am at school.

(으)로 can only be used when talking about the “movement” of going somewhere or going towards some place.

Apart from this difference, there is only a difference in the nuance of these. Let’s compare these to English.

집에 가요 – I am going home.

집으로 가요 – I am heading towards my home.

These both essentially mean the same thing just the nuance is slightly different. Therefore, they can be used interchangeably.

Usage 2 – Method, tool or ingredient

In addition to indicating direction and purpose, “으로” can express the means or method by which an action is performed. It highlights the instrument or tool used in achieving a particular outcome. For example, “가위로 종이를 자르다” means “To cut paper with scissors.” Here, “으로” establishes that the cutting action is performed using scissors as the instrument. Similarly, “핸드폰으로 사진을 찍다” translates to “To take a photo with a cellphone.” In this case, “으로” specifies that the photo is taken using a cellphone as the means.

그런 방식으로 나한테 말 하지마! – Don’t talk to me in that way!

Usage 3 – Cause of something

(으)로 can also be used to describe the cause of something or “through” something.

  • 사고로 다쳤어요. – I got hurt from an accident/Through and accident I got hurt/As a result of an accident I got hurt.
  • 이 식당이 떡볶이로 유명해졌어요. – This restaurant got famous for their ddeokboki/Through its ddeokboki, this restaurant got famous/As a result of their ddeokboki, this restaurant got famous.

Usage 4 – “As” or “for”

There are instances where “(으)로” can be loosely translated as “as” or “for” in certain contexts. This usage emphasizes the role or function of someone or something in a particular capacity. Let’s explore some examples:

  • 오늘은 선님으로 왔어요 – I came here as a guest.
  • 그거 선물로 받았어요 – I got it as a present.
  • 회사원으로 일하고 있어요 – I am working as a company office worker.
  • 점심으로 샌드위치를 먹었어요 – I had sandwich for lunch.


  • 선생님이 영어로 가르쳐요. – The teacher teaches using English.
  • 한국어로 말 하고 있어요. – I am talking using Korean/I am talking in Korean.
  • 밖으로 나왔어요. – I came outside.
  • 사람으로 태어났어요. – I was born as a human.
  • 차로 갈 게요. I will go by car.
  • 돈으로 친구를 살 수 없어요. – You cannot buy friend with money.

Activity 1

Fill in the blanks.

  1. ___________ 가세요. – Go straight
  2. ___________ 미안해요. – I am sincerely sorry.
  3. __________ 여기 있었어요. – I really was here.
  4. __________ 공부했어요. – I studied through books.
  5. 내년에 ________ 갈 거예요. – I will go to Korea next year.

Activity 1 Answers

  1. 아프로 가세요. – Go straight
  2. 진심으로 미안해요. – I am sincerely sorry.
  3. 진짜로 여기 있었어요. – I really was here.
  4. 책으로 공부했어요. – I studied through books.
  5. 내년에 한국으로 갈 거예요. – I will go to Korea next year.

Other particles

Topic Marking Particle는/은
Subject Marking Particle이/가
Object Marking Particle를/을
Linking Particles와/과/하고/랑/고
Plural Particle
Possessive particle
Location particles에/에서
Location particles으로/로
Location particles부터/까지
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