How to make verbs into nouns in Korean

In the Korean language, verbs can be transformed into nouns to create new vocabulary words. This process is called nominalization. Nominalization is commonly used in Korean to create compound words and to express abstract concepts. It is a useful skill to have when learning the language.

Nominalising using the suffix -기

There are several ways to nominalize verbs in Korean. One way is to add the suffix ‘-기’ to the verb stem. This creates a noun that represents the action or state described by the verb. For example, the verb ‘먹다’ (to eat) can be nominalized to ‘먹기’ (eating). Similarly, the verb ‘보다’ (to see) can be nominalized to ‘보기’ (seeing).

First, let’s take a look at how 기 is used to make verb-nouns. 기 is attached to the stem of a verb, which is the form of the verb that comes before any endings are added. For example, the stem of the verb “to eat” (먹다 [meokda]) is 먹 [meok]. When we add 기 to the stem, we get 먹기 [meokgi], which means “eating” or “the act of eating.”

Now that we know how to attach 기 to the stem of a verb, let’s look at some more examples:

  • 가다 [gada] (to go) → 가기 [gagi] (going)
  • 보다 [boda] (to see) → 보기 [bogi] (seeing)
  • 자다 [jada] (to sleep) → 자기 [jagi] (sleeping)

As you can see, 기 can be added to the stems of a wide variety of verbs to create verb-nouns. These nouns can be used to describe an action, activity, or behavior, similar to the -ing form in English.

It’s worth noting that 기 is often used in combination with other particles to create more complex sentences. For example, the particle 을/를 [-eul/reul] can be added to a verb-noun to make it the object of a sentence. Here’s an example:

  • 먹기를 좋아해요. [Meokgireul johahae-yo.] – I like eating.

In this sentence, 먹기 [meokgi] is the object of the sentence, and the particle 를 is used to mark it as the object.

Another common particle that is used with verb-nouns is 에 [-e], which can be used to indicate location or direction. Here’s an example:

  • 춤추기에 적합한 공간이에요. [Chumchugi-e jeokhap-han gonggan-i-eyo.] – This is a space suitable for dancing.

In this sentence, 춤추기 [chumchugi] is the verb-noun that means “dancing,” and 에 is used to indicate that the space is suitable for that activity.

Sample sentences

공부하기가 좋아요. – I like studying.

매일 운동하기 너무 힘들어요. – It’s so hard to exercise every day.

여행하기 전에 돈을 모아야 해요. – I have to save up money before travelling.

In conclusion, making verbs into nouns using 기 is a fundamental aspect of the Korean language. By attaching 기 to the stem of a verb, you can create noun forms that describe an action, activity, or behaviour. These verb-nouns can be combined with particles to create more complex sentences and express a wide range of ideas.

Nominalise using the suffix -음

Another way to nominalize verbs is to add the suffix ‘-음’ to the verb stem. This creates a noun that represents the result or product of the action described by the verb. For example, the verb ‘쓰다’ (to write) can be nominalized to ‘글쓰기’ (writing). Similarly, the verb ‘만들다’ (to make) can be nominalized to ‘만들음’ (making).

Here’s a guide on how to make verbs into nouns using ‘-음’:

  1. Identify the verb stem: To use ‘-음’ to make a verb into a noun, you need to first identify the stem of the verb. In Korean, the stem of a verb is the part that remains when you remove the verb ending. For example, the verb ‘먹다’ (meok-da), which means ‘to eat’, has a stem of ‘먹’ (meok).
  2. Add ‘-음’: Once you have identified the stem of the verb, simply add ‘-음’ to the end of it. For example, using the verb ‘먹다’ as an example, you would add ‘-음’ to the stem ‘먹’ to create ‘먹음’ (meok-eum), which means ‘eating’.
  3. Use the noun form in a sentence: Now that you have the verb turned into a noun form, you can use it in a sentence to describe an action, behaviour or state of being. For example, you could say “먹음이 맛있어요” (meok-eum-i mat-iss-eo-yo), which means “eating is delicious”, or “배고파서 먹음을 기다리고 있어요” (bae-go-pa-seo meok-eum-eul gi-da-ri-go iss-eo-yo), which means “I’m waiting for my meal to arrive because I’m hungry”.

It’s important to note that the ‘-음’ form is a neutral, formal way to turn verbs into nouns, and it is often used in writing or formal situations but is also widely used in texting as well. In informal settings, especially when speaking, native speakers tend to use other forms of verb-to-noun conversion such as ‘-기’ (gi) or ‘-는 것’ (neun geot) which are more casual and conversational. Nonetheless, learning how to use ‘-음’ to make verbs into nouns is a great starting point for any learner of Korean grammar.

Nominalise using the phrase ‘하는 것’ or ‘하는 거’

In addition to using the suffixes ‘-기’ and ‘-음’, Korean verbs can also be nominalized using the phrase ‘하는 것’ or ‘하는 거’. This phrase literally means ‘the thing that is being done’, and it is commonly used in Korean to express the action or state described by a verb in noun form.

To nominalize a verb using ‘하는 것’, first, take the verb stem and add ‘-는’. This creates a present tense descriptive verb that can be used to describe a noun. For example, the verb ‘가다’ (to go) can be nominalized as ‘가는 것’ (the act of going). Similarly, the verb ‘말하다’ (to speak) can be nominalized as ‘말하는 것’ (the act of speaking).

Once the present tense descriptive verb has been formed, add ‘것’ or ‘거’ to create a noun. For example, ‘가는 것’ can be turned into the noun ‘가는 것’ (going), and ‘말하는 것’ can be turned into the noun ‘말하는 것’ (speaking).

Using ‘하는 것’ or ‘하는 거’ is a more general way to nominalize verbs in Korean, and it can be used for a wider range of verbs than the suffixes ‘-기’ and ‘-음’. This method of nominalization is often used in everyday Korean conversation and writing.

Difference between 는 것 and 는 거

While -는 것 is the standard form for making verbs into nouns in Korean, people sometimes use -는 거 instead because it is simpler to say. It’s worth noting that -는 거 is not used in formal settings.

Sample sentences

  • 읽는 것이 취미예요. – Reading is a hobby of mine.
  • 춤추는 것을 좋아해요. – I like dancing.
  • 일어나는 것이 너무 힘들어요. – Getting up is so difficult.
  • 공부하는 것이 중요해요. – Studying is important.
  • 음악을 듣는 것이 제일 좋아요. – Listening to music is the best.
  • 운동하는 것은 건강에 좋아요. – Exercising is good for health.


In conclusion, nominalization is a powerful tool in the Korean language that can help you expand your vocabulary and express abstract concepts. By learning how to nominalize verbs, you can create new nouns that accurately represent the actions or states described by the verbs. Practice this method of nominalization and incorporate it into your Korean conversations and writing to improve your language skills.

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