한테 and 한테서: To, from

When learning a new language, mastering the nuances of particles is essential for effective communication. In Korean, particles play a crucial role in clarifying relationships, indicating directions, and conveying the source of actions or objects. Among these particles, 한테 (han-te) and 한테서 (han-te-seo) hold particular significance. Understanding the distinctions between these two particles can greatly enhance your grasp of the Korean language.

In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of 한테 and 한테서, shedding light on their individual meanings, usages, and appropriate contexts. By exploring various examples and providing insightful comparisons, we aim to equip you with the knowledge necessary to wield these particles with confidence and precision.

Throughout the post, we will address the fundamental questions: What is the purpose of 한테 and 한테서? How do they differ from similar particles? When and how should they be used in Korean sentences? By tackling these inquiries, we will empower you to navigate the subtleties of Korean particle usage and enhance your overall language proficiency.

So, let’s embark on this exploration together and discover the fascinating world of 한테 and 한테서 in Korean grammar!


Since 한테 and 한테서 are particles, they are added at the end of a word.

Noun/pronoun + 한테/한테서

  • 저한테
  • 친구한테
  • 엄마한테서
  • 아빠한테서



  • 한테 is a particle used to indicate the direction or recipient of an action or object in Korean sentences.
  • It functions similar to the English preposition “to” or “toward,” clarifying the target of an action or the intended recipient of an object.
  • 한테 is often used with verbs of giving, sending, or directing actions towards someone or something.
  • For example, “선물을 친구한테 줬어요” translates to “I gave a gift to my friend,” where 한테 indicates the recipient of the action.
  • “편지를 할머니한테 보내세요” means “Send the letter to Grandma.”
  • “질문을 선생님한테 물어보세요” translates to “Ask the question to the teacher.”


  • 한테서 is a particle used to indicate the source or origin of an action or object in Korean sentences.
  • It can be translated as “from,” “by,” or “because of,” depending on the context.
  • 한테서 is commonly used with verbs that involve receiving, obtaining, or originating from a specific source or origin.
  • 선생님한테서 배웠어요. – I learned from the teacher
  • 저는 친구한테서 선물을 받았어요. – I received a gift from my friend.
  • It will mean “from” most of the time, but when the sentence contains a verb that is in a passive voice, it can mean “by” i.e. 친구한테서 맞았어요. (I got beaten by a friend.)

Points to remember

  • Only used with people or animals.
  • When the context of the sentence is clear, people sometimes drop “서” from “한테”
  • Therefore 한테 can mean both, “to” or “from”, whereas “한테서” can only mean “from”


Another two particles that are similar to 한테 and 한테서 are 에게 and 에게서. They are used very similarly, but are more formal and more commonly used in a written form.


  • 선생님에게서 도움을 받았어요. – I received help from the teacher.

This can also be written as “선생님에게 도움을 받았어요.” The verb 받았어요 means receive and therefore even if we drop “서” the meaning of the sentence is clear. The 한테/한테서 are also interchangeable.

  • 친구에게 선물을 줄 거예요. – I will give a present to a friend.

Here, the verb is 줄 거예요 meaning to give and therefore we cannot say “에게서” because that can only mean “from”. However, 한테 can be used.

  • 아빠한테 돈을 빌려야 해요. – I have to borrow money from my dad.

Here, the verb is 빌려야 해요 meaning “to borrow” and therefore “한테서”, “에게”,”에게서” can all be used.

  • 엄마한테 이메일을 보냈어요. – I sent email to my mum.

Here, the verb is “보냈어요” which means to send and we are sending TO someone not FROM someone. Therefore, only “에게” is interchangeable here.

께 and 께서

There is another set of particles that we need to mention in this blog post and they are “께” and 께서.

In the Korean language, the particles 께 and 꼐서 plays a significant role in expressing respectful address or direction towards or from someone of higher status or with whom the speaker wants to show deference. Understanding the usage of 께 and 꼐서 is essential for polite and respectful communication in Korean.

  1. Definition and Usage:
    • 께 is a particle used to express respect when addressing or referring to someone.
    • 께서 is used to honorifically refer to the subject of a sentence, indicating respect towards the person or entity being mentioned.
    • It is typically used with honorific terms or titles to show deference and politeness.
    • 께 can also be used to indicate the direction or target of an action performed respectfully or with deference.
    • For example, “할머니께 인사드렸어요” translates to “I greeted Grandma” (literally translated to I gave Grandma a greeting) where 께 indicates the respectful direction of the greeting.
  2. Nuances and Context:
    • 께 and 께서 is used to show respect and honor to someone who is older, of higher social status, or deserving of deference.
    • It is often used when addressing elders, teachers, superiors, or individuals to whom the speaker wants to demonstrate respect.


  • 선생님께 질문을 드렸어요. – I asked the teacher a question.
  • 할아버지께 선물을 드렸어요. – I gave a gift to my grandfather.
  • 선생님께서 호락을 받았어요. – I received permission from the teacher.
  • 어머님꼐서 돈을 받았어요. – I received money from my mother.
  • 사장님꼐 선물을 보냈어요. – I sent a gift to the owner.
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