-자마자: As soon as

In the Korean language, there are various expressions that add depth and nuance to our conversations. One such phrase that carries a powerful meaning is “자마자”. “자마자” is a versatile adverbial phrase that signifies immediate actions or consequences. Understanding its usage and significance will greatly enhance your ability to express the promptness and simultaneity of events in Korean.

In this blog post, we will dive into the world of “자마자” and explore its meaning, usage, and examples. By the end, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to effectively incorporate “자마자” into your Korean conversations, adding a layer of precision and immediacy.

Throughout this blog post, we will explore various contexts in which “자마자” can be employed. We will examine examples of immediate actions and consequences, providing a clear understanding of how “자마자” functions in different sentence structures. Additionally, we’ll delve into similar expressions and highlight the subtle differences to expand your knowledge and language proficiency.


  1. Take a verb i.e. 가다
  2. Drop “다” i.e. 가
  3. Add -자마자 i.e. 가자마자
  • 먹다 –> 먹 + 자마자 –> 먹자마자 (As soon as I ate)
  • 오다 –> 오 + 자마자 –> 오자마자 (As soon as I came)
  • 보다 –> 보 + 자마자 –> 보자마자 (As soon as I saw)
  • 하다 –> 하 + 자마자 –> 하자마자 (As soon as I did)

Understanding the meaning of 자마자

When used in sentences, “자마자” functions as an adverb, modifying the verb that follows it to emphasize the immediacy of the action or event. It conveys the notion that one action or event promptly follows another, creating a seamless flow of activities. This adverbial phrase adds a layer of vividness and urgency to your speech, allowing you to paint a clearer picture of the chronological sequence of events.

It translates to English “As soon as”.

To grasp the meaning of “자마자,” consider the following example: “출발하자마자 비가 내려서 우산을 들었어요”, which translates to “As soon as I left, it started raining, so I took out an umbrella.” In this sentence, “출발하자마자” emphasizes the immediate consequence of rain right after the departure. The use of “자마자” creates a vivid image of the swift transition from one action to another.

While the English translation uses the past tense of the verb “As soon as I left”, -자마자 in itself is in the present tense and the tense of the sentence is added at the end of the sentence “들었어요”.

It’s important to note that “자마자” is often used with verbs that indicate immediate actions, changes, or reactions. These verbs can include 시작하다 (to start), 일어나다 (to happen), 바로 가다 (to go right away), and 막다 (to block), among others. By combining “자마자” with such verbs, you can effectively express immediate consequences or actions that follow one another without delay.


Immediate Actions: “자마자” is commonly used to describe actions that occur right after another action. It emphasizes the promptness and immediacy of the second action. Here are some examples:

    • 학교를 나오자마자 친구를 만났어요. – As soon as I came out of school, I met my friend.
    • 신문을 읽자마자 중요한 소식을 알게 되었어요. (As soon as I read the newspaper, I learned important news.)

    In these examples, “자마자” emphasizes that meeting the friend and learning the news happened immediately after coming out of school and reading the newspaper, respectively.

    Immediate Consequences: “자마자” can also be used to describe immediate consequences that follow a certain event or situation. It highlights the cause-and-effect relationship between two events. Consider the following examples:

    • 열심히 공부하자마자 시험 성적이 좋아졌어요. – As soon as I studied hard, my test grades improved.
    • 불을 끄자마자 방 안이 어두워졌어요. – As soon as I turned off the lights, the room became dark.

    In these sentences, “자마자” indicates that the improvement in test grades and the darkness in the room occurred immediately after studying hard and turning off the lights, respectively.

    Immediate Reactions: “자마자” can also be used to describe immediate reactions or responses to a stimulus or event. It highlights the quick response or reflex action. Consider the following examples:

    • 소식을 듣자마자 기뻐서 소리를 질렀어요. (As soon as I heard the news, I was so happy that I screamed.)
    • 감자칩을 맛보자마자 매워서 물을 마셨어요. (As soon as I tasted the potato chips, they were spicy, so I drank water.)

    In these examples, “자마자” emphasizes the immediate reaction of screaming upon hearing the news and drinking water in response to the spiciness of the potato chips.

    Remember that “자마자” is typically used with verbs that indicate immediate actions, changes, or reactions. It brings a sense of immediacy and simultaneity to your sentences, enabling you to express the seamless flow of events. By incorporating “자마자” effectively, you can add vividness and emphasis to your Korean communication.

    Practice using “자마자” in various contexts to become more comfortable with its usage. Pay attention to the verb conjugation and ensure that it matches the subject and tense of your sentence. With practice, you will gain fluency in using “자마자” and convey the immediacy of actions and consequences with precision in your Korean conversations.

    More examples

    • 일어나자마자 샤워를 해요. – I shower as soon as I wake up.
    • 걷자마자 전화가 왔어요. – As soon as I started walking I got a phone call.
    • 만나자마자 말해줬어요. – He told me as soon as we met.
    • 듣자마자 왔어요. I came as soon as I heard.
    • 도착하자마자 연락 주세요. – Contact me as soon as you arrive.

    Activity 1

    Fill in the blanks.

    1. 집에서 __________ 비가 왔어요. – It started raining as soon as I came out.
    2. 한국 ________ 맛있는거 먹어요. – Let’s eat something delicious as soon as you come to Korea.
    3. 친구랑 ________ 소식을 들었어요. – I heard the news as soon as I met with my friend.
    4. 집에 __________ 잠 들었어요. – I fell asleep as soon as I arrived home.
    5. 밥을 _________ 바로 이를 닦아요. – I brush my teeth as soon as I eat.

    Activity 2

    Translate the below to Korean.

    1. As soon as I finished eating, I washed the dishes.
    2. The moment I opened the door, a strong wind blew in.
    3. He laughed immediately after hearing the joke.
    4. As soon as she received the message, she got a phone call.
    5. I came as soon as I heard the news.

    Activity 1 Answers

    1. 집에서 나가자마자 비가 왔어요. – It started raining as soon as I came out.
    2. 한국 오자마자 맛있는거 먹어요. – Let’s eat something delicious as soon as you come to Korea.
    3. 친구랑 만나자마자 소식을 들었어요. – I heard the news as soon as I met with my friend.
    4. 집에 돌아오자마자 잠 들었어요. – I fell asleep as soon as I arrived home.
    5. 밥을 먹자마자 바로 이를 닦아요. – I brush my teeth as soon as I eat.

    Activity 2 Answers

    1. As soon as I finished eating, I washed the dishes. – 밥을 먹자마자 설거지를 했어요.
    2. The moment I opened the door, a strong wind blew in. – 문을 열자마자 강한 바람이 들어왔어요.
    3. He laughed immediately after hearing the joke. – 그 농담을 듣자마자 웃었어요.
    4. As soon as she received the message, she got a phone call. – 그녀는 메세지를 받자마자 전화가 왔어요.
    5. I came as soon as I heard the news. – 소식을 듣자마자 왔어요.
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