Lesson 10: 있어요 and 없어요

Annyeonghaseyo, future Korean language masters! Have you ever found yourself at a loss when trying to express the existence or absence of something in Korean? Fear not, because today’s lesson is designed just for you!

In this lesson, we are going to unravel the magic of “있어요” (isseoyo) and “없어요” (eobseoyo). These two simple, yet powerful phrases are the key to unlocking a new dimension in your Korean conversations. Whether it’s telling your friends about your pet dog, or explaining why you can’t find your favorite pair of socks, “있어요” and “없어요” are your go-to phrases.

Remember, every language journey is a collection of small steps. Today, let’s take a stride into the fascinating world of Korean grammar. Join me, as we delve deeper into “있어요” and “없어요” – brace yourselves for an exciting ride, and let’s get this grammar party started!

The meaning of 있어요 and 없어요

In Korean, “있어요” and “없어요” are vital vocabulary terms that refer to the existence and non-existence of something respectively. Their English counterparts would be “there is” or “have” for “있어요” and “there is not” or “do not have” for “없어요”.

  • 있어요 (Is-uh-yo): This term indicates the existence or presence of something or someone. It could also denote the possession of something. Depending on the context, it can translate to “there is”, “there are”, “has”, or “have” in English.
    • Example: “사과가 있어요” translates to “There is an apple” or “I have an apple”.
  • 없어요 (Eops-uh-yo): On the other hand, “없어요” signifies the absence or non-existence of something or someone. It also refers to the lack of possession of something. In English, it can translate to “there isn’t”, “there aren’t”, “doesn’t have”, or “don’t have”.
    • Example: “사과가 없어요” translates to “There isn’t an apple” or “I don’t have an apple”.

Understanding “있어요” and “없어요” is fundamental in Korean as they frequently appear in everyday conversation, forming the basis of many different sentences.

Structure and grammar

“있어요” and “없어요” are relatively simple to use in terms of structure and grammar. The basic structure for a sentence is:

Noun + 이/가 + 있어요/없어요

  • Noun: This is the subject of your sentence and the item or person whose existence or non-existence you’re talking about.
  • 이/가: This is the subject marker. The choice between “이” and “가” depends on whether the last syllable of the noun ends in a consonant (받침) or not. If the noun ends with a consonant, use “이”. If it doesn’t, use “가”.
    • Example: “사과가 있어요” (“There is an apple”) because “사과” (apple) does not end in a consonant.
    • Example: “학생이 없어요” (“There is no student”) because “학생” (student) ends in a consonant.
  • 있어요/없어요: As mentioned earlier, “있어요” signifies the existence or possession of something, and “없어요” signifies non-existence or the lack of something.

When you want to ask whether something exists or not, you simply need to raise your intonation at the end of the sentence, turning it into a question:

  • “사과가 있어요?” translates to “Is there an apple?” or “Do you have an apple?”

One thing to note is that the sentence structure may change a bit in more complex sentences or different contexts, but the basic principle remains the same. By mastering the use of “있어요” and “없어요”, you will be able to express a wide range of ideas in Korean.

Usage in different contexts

“있어요” and “없어요” can be used in various contexts and aren’t just limited to indicating the mere existence or non-existence of something. Let’s explore these different usages below.

  • Ownership and Possession: When talking about things you have or do not have, “있어요” and “없어요” are used.
    • Example: “휴대폰이 있어요” (I have a cell phone).
    • Example: “돈이 없어요” (I don’t have money).
  • Existence of People or Things: You can use “있어요” and “없어요” to state whether a person or thing is present or not.
    • Example: “여기에 사람이 있어요” (There’s someone here).
    • Example: “그곳에 음식점이 없어요” (There are no restaurants there).
  • Events and Occurrences: For events that are happening or not happening, “있어요” and “없어요” can be used.
    • Example: “내일 파티가 있어요” (There is a party tomorrow).
    • Example: “이번 주말 계획이 없어요” (I don’t have plans this weekend).
  • Describing Physical and Emotional States: “있어요” and “없어요” can also be used to describe the state of a person or object.
    • Example: “통증이 있어요” (I have pain).
    • Example: “기분이 없어요” (I feel nothing/I am not in a mood).
  • Time and Duration: When talking about periods of time, “있어요” can be used to indicate the length of time something takes or the time left.
    • Example: “영화가 끝날 때까지 30분이 있어요” (There are 30 minutes left until the movie ends).

Remember, understanding the context is key to determining whether to use “있어요” or “없어요”. When in doubt, consider whether you’re trying to express the presence or absence of something. If it’s the former, “있어요” is likely your go-to. If it’s the latter, “없어요” will do the job.


  • 집에 개가 있어요. – There is a dog in the house.
  • 저는 돈이 없어요. – I don’t have money.
  • 그녀는 차가 있어요. – She has a car.
  • 도서관에 책이 없어요. – There are no books in the library.
  • 저는 시간이 있어요. – I have time.

Activity 1

Fill in the blanks with “있어요” or “없어요”.

  1. 저는 차가 ____. – I have a car.
  2. 저는 시간이 ____. – I don’t have time.
  3. 여기에 물이 ____. – There is water here.
  4. 친구가 ____. – There is a friend/I have a friend.
  5. 제 방에 컴퓨터가 ____. – There is no computer in my room.

Activity 2

Indicate whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) based on the usage of “있어요” and “없어요”.

  1. “없어요” can be used to express the non-existence of something.
  2. “있어요” cannot be used to indicate possession.
  3. We can use “있어요” and “없어요” to talk about the presence or absence of people or things.
  4. “있어요” is used when something is not happening.
  5. “없어요” can be used to express a lack of feeling or emotion.

Activity 3

Translate the following English sentences into Korean using “있어요” and “없어요”.

  1. There is a cat in the house.
  2. I don’t have any books.
  3. There are no flowers in the garden.
  4. I have a headache.
  5. There is a meeting tomorrow.

Activity 1 Answers

  1. 저는 차가 있어요. – I have a car.
  2. 저는 시간이 없어요. – I don’t have time.
  3. 여기에 물이 있어요. – There is water here.
  4. 친구가 있어요. – There is a friend/I have a friend.
  5. 제 방에 컴퓨터가 없어요. – There is no computer in my room.

Activity 2 Answers

  1. “없어요” can be used to express the non-existence of something. – TRUE
  2. “있어요” cannot be used to indicate possession. – FALSE
  3. We can use “있어요” and “없어요” to talk about the presence or absence of people or things. – TRUE
  4. “있어요” is used when something is not happening. – FALSE
  5. “없어요” can be used to express a lack of feeling or emotion. TRUE

Activity 3 Answers

  1. There is a cat in the house. – 집에 고향이가 있어요.
  2. I don’t have any books. – 책이 없어요.
  3. There are no flowers in the garden. – 정원에 꽃이 없어요.
  4. I have a headache. – 두통이 있어요.
  5. There is a meeting tomorrow. – 내일 회의가 있어요.

Wrap up

Alrighty then, we’ve come to the end of our whirlwind tour through the fantastic world of “있어요” and “없어요”. I bet you didn’t know that stating the existence or non-existence of something could be so much fun in Korean, right?

Just remember, “있어요” means something is there, and “없어요” means it’s not. Keep practicing and you’ll have this down in no time. Before you know it, you’ll be casually telling your friends things like “피자가 있어요!” (There is pizza!) or “커피가 없어요!” (There is no coffee!). Imagine the excitement!

But in all seriousness, thank you for sticking with me till the end of the lesson. Language learning is a marathon, not a sprint. Keep practicing, and you’ll get there.

And please, don’t forget to drop your thoughts or questions about the lesson in the comments below. I’d love to see how you are doing and will do my best to help.

Alright folks, that’s it for today. As the Koreans say, 공부 열심히 하세요! (Study hard!). Till next time, 안녕히 계세요!


My name is Sonia and I have been watching Kdramas and learning the Korean Language since 2009 and still haven't gotten bored of it at all! At first, I fell in love with the dramas but soon enough I fell in love with Korean language and Korean culture.

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