-(이)라는 + Noun: “Called”, “Known as”

안녕하세요 여려분!

Welcome to our next Korean language lesson! Today, we will be exploring a very important structure in Korean, the “-(이)라는” construction. This structure is key in daily conversations, news articles, books, and many other contexts, making it essential for anyone serious about mastering the Korean language.

At first glance, “-(이)라는” might seem a bit complicated, especially for those who are relatively new to the language. However, once you understand its fundamentals and practice its usage, you’ll find it quite intuitive and incredibly useful in enhancing your Korean fluency. In English, it often translates to “called” or “known as”, but its usage extends beyond that, providing depth and specificity to your sentences.

Our lesson will systematically guide you through the concepts, applications, and nuances of this structure. We’ll also provide examples and exercises for you to practice and solidify your understanding.

So, let’s get started on our journey into understanding “-(이)라는”!


Noun + -(이)라는 + Noun

  • If the noun ends with a vowel, add “라는”
  • If the noun ends with a consonant, add “이라는”

Understanding the -(이)라는 Structure

The “-(이)라는” structure is a compound particle used in Korean to introduce or define something. It often corresponds to the English words “called” or “known as”. Here’s a breakdown of the structure:

  • Noun: This is the subject or the object that is being defined or introduced.
  • -(이)라는: This compound particle attaches to the noun. If the noun ends with a consonant, you use “이라는”. If it ends with a vowel, you use “라는”.
  • Noun: This is the term or description that is being attributed to the first noun.

Here’s an example to illustrate:

서울이라는 도시” translates to “The city called Seoul” or “The city known as Seoul“.

In this example, “서울” (Seoul) is the subject that is being defined, “이라는” is the compound particle indicating that we are defining or referring to Seoul, and “도시” (city) is the term or description attributed to Seoul.

Using this structure allows for more nuanced and complex sentences.

It can be used:

  • to refer to previously mentioned subjects,
  • to introduce new concepts,
  • to specify or define a certain subject.

Understanding the “(이)라는” structure is essential to enhance your proficiency in Korean, enabling you to express more intricate thoughts and engage in more complex conversations. So let’s continue delving deeper into this important Korean language construct!

Referring to Something Previously Mentioned

If you’re referring back to something or someone that has been previously mentioned or discussed, you can use “(이)라는” to make it clear what you’re referring to.

  • 김수현이라는 친구 오늘 와요. – A friend called Kim Su-Hyeon comes today.

In this example, the speaker might have previously mentioned this friend so they are repeating their name for the other person to know who they are talking about.

To introduce new concepts

If you’re introducing a new concept or name that the listener may not be familiar with, you can use “(이)라는” to provide a definition or explanation.

  • 한국에서는 김치라는 음식이 인기가 많아요. – A food called Kimchi is popular in Korea.

In this case, it could be that a Korean is introducing some famous foods in Korea to their foreigner friend.

To specify or define a certain subject

If you want to specify or define something more clearly, “(이)라는” can be useful.

  • 피자라는 음식을 좋아해요. – I like the food known as pizza.

Overall, you don’t have to worry about these usages, just remembering that it is equivalent to English “called” or “known as” will be enough for you to create your own sentences and use this structure accordingly.


  • 이곳에는 북극곰이라는 동물이 살지 않아요. – An animal known as the polar bear doesn’t live here.
  • ‘별이 빛나는 밤’이라는 그림은 고흐가 그렸어요. – A painting known as ‘The Starry Night’ was painted by Van Gogh.
  • 그는 톰이라는 남자를 만났어요. – He met a man called Tom.
  • 그녀는 로마이라는 도시를 방문했어요. – She visited a city called Rome.
  • “방탄소년단”이라는 그룹은 한국에서 왔어요. – A group called “BTS” comes from Korea.

As you can see from the above sentences, this structure is mainly used when introducing something so it is not necessarily going to be an everyday expression but you can find it a lot in lectures or classes. I also do not use this structure that often but it helps when listening to something or reading something as I am aware of what it means.

Activity 1

Fill in the blanks

  1. _________ _______ 미국에서 유래했어요. – A food called hamburgers originated from America.
  2. 우리는 ____________ 주제로 토론을 했어요. – We had a discussion on a topic called “leadership”.
  3. “인생은 아름다워”______ _______ 봤어요. – I watched a movie called “Life is Beautiful”.
  4. 저는 집에서 ___________ _______ 만들었어요. – I made a food called Bulgogi at home.
  5. 존은 “스트레스 관리”_____ _______ 듣고 있어요. – John is attending a lecture called “Stress Management”.

Activity 2

Translate the below to Korean

  1. I saw a movie called “Parasite”.
  2. He read a book known as “The Little Prince”.
  3. I visited a place called Jeju Island.
  4. My friend likes a singer called IU.

Activity 1 Answers

  1. 햄버거라는 음식은 미국에서 유래했어요. – A food called hamburgers originated from America.
  2. 우리는 “리더쉽”이라는 주제로 토론을 했어요. – We had a discussion on a topic called “leadership”.
  3. “인생은 아름다워”라는 영화를 봤어요. – I watched a movie called “Life is Beautiful”.
  4. 저는 집에서 불고기라는 음식을 만들었어요. – I made a food called Bulgogi at home.
  5. 존은 “스트레스 관리”라는 강의를 듣고 있어요. – John is attending a lecture called “Stress Management”.

Activity 2 Answers

  1. I saw a movie called “Parasite”. – 저는 “기생중”라는 영화를 봤어요.
  2. He read a book known as “The Little Prince”. 그는 “어린 왕자”라는 책을 읽었어요.
  3. I visited a place called Jeju Island. – 저는 “제주도”라는 곳을 방문했어요.
  4. My friend likes a singer called IU. – 제 친구는 “아이유”라는 가수를 좋아해요.

Interactive section – Let’s practice together!

Activity 1: Comment and Share!

Share a sentence using the “(이)라는” structure in the comments below. Try to introduce us to something new—a unique food, an obscure movie, or an interesting book. We’ll respond to your comments and provide feedback!

Activity 2: Review a Partner’s Work!

Once you’ve shared your own sentence, take a moment to review someone else’s. Provide them with constructive feedback and encouragement. Remember, we’re all here to learn together!

Submit your answers in the comments.

Engaging with others in an interactive way like this can greatly enhance your understanding and retention of new language concepts. Don’t be shy—join in the fun!

그럼 다음에 또 봐요!


My name is Sonia and I have been watching Kdramas and learning the Korean Language since 2009 and still haven't gotten bored of it at all! At first, I fell in love with the dramas but soon enough I fell in love with Korean language and Korean culture.

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