Have you ever come across the Korean expression -(으)ㄹ 수도 있어요? If you’re familiar with Korean grammar, you may have encountered this versatile phrase that adds a layer of possibility and uncertainty to your statements. -(으)ㄹ 수도 있어요 is a powerful linguistic tool that allows you to convey potential outcomes, speculate about possibilities, and express flexibility in Korean conversations.
We will begin by looking at the basic meaning of -(으)ㄹ 수도 있어요 and its formation. You will discover how this expression conveys potentiality, uncertainty, and the idea of “may” or “might” in Korean. We will explore its flexibility in statements, questions, and requests, providing you with practical examples and exercises to reinforce your understanding.
By the end of this blog post, you will have a solid grasp of -(으)ㄹ 수도 있어요 and be able to incorporate it into your Korean language toolbox. Whether you want to express possibilities, seek opinions, or offer flexibility, -(으)ㄹ 수도 있어요 will enhance your communication skills and make your conversations more nuanced and engaging.

- Take a verb i.e. 가다
- Drop “다” i.e. 가
- Add the appropriate ending based on the following rules:
- If the verb ends in a vowel, add ㄹ 수도 있어요.
- If the verb ends in a consonant, add 을 수도 있어요.
- If the verb ends in a consonant “ㄹ” add 수도 있어요.
In this case, the verb 가다 ends with a vowel so we add ㄹ 수도 있어요 –> 갈 수도 있어요.
- 먹다 –> 먹 + 을 수도 있어요 –> 먹을 수도 있어요 (I might eat)
- 오다 –> 오 + ㄹ 수도 있어요 –> 올 수도 있어요 (I might come)
- 보다 –> 보 + ㄹ 수도 있어요 –> 볼 수도 있어요 (I might see)
- 하다 –> 하 + ㄹ 수도 있어요 –> 할 수도 있어요 (I might do)
- 놀다 –> 놀 + ㄹ 수도 있어요 –> 놀 수도 있어요 (I might play/hang out)

Understanding the meaning
-(으)ㄹ 수도 있어요 is a Korean expression that adds a sense of possibility, potentiality, or uncertainty to statements. It is a versatile phrase that allows speakers to convey that something “may” or “might” happen or be true.
We have previously covered the expression “-(으) ㄹ 수 있다/없다 which translates to “can” or “cannot” do. You can check out the lesson here. If you have noticed, today’s expression is almost the same. The only thing is that we have added “도” after “수”.
PLEASE NOTE: We will cover how to use -(으) ㄹ 수 없다 in another lesson. But we will introduce how to form negative sentences with -(으) ㄹ 수 있다 below.
수 means an “idea” or a “way” for something to be possible or not (depending whether we add 있어요 or 없어요. Therefore, it conveys the meaning of can or cannot (there is a way to do something or there isn’t a way to do something).
“도” means “also”. “도” was separately covered in this lesson. When combined together with “수” it conveys the meaning of “it is also possible” (this way is also possible) and translates to “could” or “might”. It adds element of uncertainty and suggests that something is likely or possible, but not definite.
Understanding the basic meaning of -(으)ㄹ 수도 있어요 is essential for using it effectively in conversations. It allows you to express possibilities, potential outcomes, and uncertainty, adding depth and nuance to your Korean expressions. As we explore further, we will discover how this versatile phrase can be used in statements, questions, requests, and more. Stay tuned to uncover the full range of possibilities -(으)ㄹ 수도 있어요 offers in Korean communication.
Negative sentences with -(으)ㄹ 수도 있어요
In order to make negative sentences with this structure, you just need to add either “안” or “못” in front of the verb. Depending on which one you choose, the meaning will change.
- 안 할 수도 있어요. – I might not do it.
- 안 갈 수도 있어요. – I might not go.
- 안 먹을 수도 있어요. – I might not eat.
- 못 할 수도 있어요. – I might not be able to do it.
- 못 갈 수도 있어요. – I might not be able to go.
- 못 먹을 수도 있어요. – I might not be able to eat it.
Hopefully, you can see the difference between these two. “안” is more like “not” and “못” implies that I might not have the ability to do something.
- 이번 주말에 시간이 있으면 영화를 볼 수도 있어요. – If I have time this weekend, I may be able to watch a movie.
- 내일 비가 올 수도 있어요. 우산을 가져가요. – It may rain tomorrow. Bring an umbrella.
- 일찍 일어나면 할 일을 더 많이 할 수도 있어요. – If you wake up early, you may be able to do more tasks.
- 이번 주말에 가족들과 시간을 같이 못 보낼 수도 있어요. – I might not be able to spend time with my family this weekend.
- 시간이 없어서 저녁을 못 먹을 수도 있어요. – I don’t have time so I might not be able to eat dinner.
- 재미없어서 내일 안 갈 수도 있어요. – It’s boring so I might not go tomorrow.
Activity 1
Fill in the blanks.
- 날씨가 너무 좋아서 _________. – The weather is really nice so I might walk.
- 이번주까지 다 __________. – I might be able to read it all until this week.
- 그거 내일 ____________. – I might not be able to give it to you tomorrow.
- 우리 둘 다 너무 바빠서 가기전에 __________. -We are both so busy so we might not be able to see each other before I go.
- 그녀는 _________. She might not know it.
Activity 1 Answers
- 날씨가 너무 좋아서 걸을 수도 있어요. – The weather is really nice so I might walk.
- 이번주까지 다 읽을 수도 있어요. – I might be able to read it all until this week.
- 그거 내일 못 줄 수도 있어요. – I might not be able to give it to you tomorrow.
- 우리 둘 다 너무 바빠서 가기전에 못 볼 수도 있어요. -We are both so busy so we might not be able to see each other before I go.
- 그녀는 모를 수도 있어요. She might not know it.