도: Explaining the usage of “also” in Korean

In the Korean language, particles play a crucial role in conveying meaning and nuance in sentences. One such particle that holds significant importance is “도.” This tiny particle carries various meanings and serves multiple functions, making it an essential component of Korean grammar. Understanding how to use “도” correctly can greatly enhance your language skills and enable you to express yourself more precisely in Korean conversations.

In this blog post, we will delve into the meaning, usage, and versatility of “도.” Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate learner, this guide will help you navigate the intricacies of this particle and expand your linguistic repertoire. We’ll explore its different roles in indicating “also” or “too,” emphasizing contrast or opposition, and expressing limitation or restriction. Additionally, we’ll discuss special cases and expressions involving “도” and provide helpful tips to avoid common mistakes.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a comprehensive understanding of how to incorporate “도” effectively in your Korean speech, allowing you to express yourself more fluently and naturally. So, let’s dive into the world of “도” and unlock its power in Korean language!


도 can be added to many different types of words such as nouns, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, verbs etc.

You just simply add it at the end of the word.

  • 저도 – me too
  • 내일도 – tomorrow as well
  • 아침에도 – in the morning too

To add it to the verb, simply add it after conjugating the verb into the wanted tense.

Present tense

  • 가도 – even if you go
  • 해도 – even if you do
  • 먹어도 – even if you eat
  • 봐도 – even if you see
  • 공부해도 – even if you study

Past tense

  • 갔어도 – even if you went
  • 했어도 – even if you did
  • 먹었어도 – even if you ate
  • 봤어도 – even if you saw
  • 공부했어요 – even if you studied

It can also be added to other grammatical structures:

  • 가고 싶어도 – even if you want to go
  • 먹고 싶어도 – even if you want to eat
  • 하고 싶었어도 – even if you wanted to do

Meaning and usage

The particle “도” in Korean serves multiple functions and carries various meanings depending on its context. Understanding its nuances is crucial for effectively communicating in Korean.

  1. Indicating “also” or “too”: One of the primary uses of “도” is to express inclusion or addition, similar to the English words “also” or “too.” It implies that something applies to the subject in question as well. “도” is often used with subjects and objects to emphasize that they share a particular characteristic, action, or experience. For example:
    • 저도 한국어를 공부해요. (I also study Korean.)
    • 친구들도 같이 가요. (Friends are coming along too.)
  2. Emphasizing contrast or opposition: In certain contexts, “도” can be used to highlight contrast or opposition. It conveys the meaning of “even” or “still” and suggests a surprising or unexpected situation. This usage is often seen in negative sentences. For example:
    • 그것도 안 돼요? (Even that is not possible?)
    • 내일도 비가 올 거예요. (It will rain tomorrow too, despite expectations.)
  3. Expressing limitation or restriction: Another usage of “도” is to indicate limitation or restriction. It suggests that something is only applicable to a certain extent or within certain boundaries. It is commonly used with expressions like “아무리” (no matter how) or “다른” (other) and is added to the verb. For example:
    • 아무리 먹어도 배가 부르지 않아요. (No matter how much I eat, I don’t feel full.)
    • 다른거 몰라도 이거는 알아야돼요. (I don’t know about anything else but you need to know this.)

“도” also appears in various idiomatic expressions, where its meaning may slightly differ from its usual usage. These expressions often convey specific emotions or attitudes. For example:

  • 말도 안 되다 (to be absurd, unbelievable)
  • 눈도 코도 없다 (to be completely clueless, unaware)


When using “도” to indicate “also” or “too” in Korean, it is often necessary to add “에” (the location or time marker) after the word it modifies. The purpose of adding “에” is to specify the location or target of the inclusion. Here are a few examples.

  • For example: 서울에 가고 싶은데, 부산에도 가고 싶어요. (I want to go to Seoul, but I also want to go to Busan.) Here, you add 에 to mark the location (Busan).
  • 아침에도 운동해요. – I also work out in the morning. Here, you add 에 to mark the time.
  • 아침도 먹어요. – Here, 아침 means breakfast so no particle needs to be added. This is a good example to see why adding the particles can be important in making sure the sentence is understood.

Adding “에” after “도” helps to clarify the scope or extent of the inclusion. It specifies the place, person, or thing that is also part of the statement or action. Paying attention to this pattern will enhance your understanding and usage of “도” in Korean sentences.


  • 저도 한국어를 배우고 있어요. – I’m also learning Korean.
  • 친구들도 함께 가요. – Friends are going together too.
  • 그것도 믿을 수 없어요. – I can’t believe that either.
  • 내일도 비가 올 거예요. – It will rain tomorrow too.
  • 아무리 노력해도 성공할 수 없어요. – No matter how hard I try, I can’t succeed.
  • 그 사람도 이해하지 못했어요. – That person didn’t understand either.
  • 다른 사람들도 동의했어요. – Other people agreed as well.
  • 학생들도 질문을 할 수 있어요. – Students can ask questions too.
  • 그 일은 저도 할 수 있어요. – I can do that work too.
  • 아무리 말해도 이해하지 않을 거예요. – No matter what you say, they won’t understand.

Activity 1

Fill in the blanks.

  1. _______ 너처럼 잘 할 수 있어. – I can do well like you too.
  2. ________ 사고 싶어요. – I want to buy that too.
  3. 아무리 _________ 그는 오지 않았어요. – No matter how long I waited, he didn’t come.
  4. 아무리 _______ 포기하지 않을 거예요. – No matter how difficult it is, I will not give up.
  5. _______ 상관 없어요. – Even if you do it, it doesn’t matter.

Activity 2

Translate the below to English.

  1. 오늘은 친구도 함께 가려고 해요.
  2. 이 도서관은 주말에도 열려 있어요.
  3. 뭐라고 해도 그는 변하지 않을 거예요.
  4. 날씨가 추워도 나갈 거예요.
  5. 이 식당은 맛도 좋고 서비스도 좋아요.

Activity 1 Answers

Fill in the blanks.

  1. 저도 너처럼 잘 할 수 있어. – I can do well like you too.
  2. 그것도 사고 싶어요. – I want to buy that too.
  3. 아무리 기다렸어도 그는 오지 않았어요. – No matter how long I waited, he didn’t come.
  4. 아무리 어려워도 포기하지 않을 거예요. – No matter how difficult it is, I will not give up.
  5. 해도 상관 없어요. – Even if you do it, it doesn’t matter.

Activity 2 Answers

  1. 오늘은 친구도 함께 가려고 해요. – Today, my friend is planning to come along too.
  2. 이 도서관은 주말에도 열려 있어요. – This library is open even on weekends.
  3. 뭐라고 해도 그는 변하지 않을 거예요. – No matter what you say, he won’t change.
  4. 날씨가 추워도 나갈 거예요. – Even if the weather is cold, I will go out.
  5. 이 식당은 맛도 좋고 서비스도 좋아요. – This restaurant is tasty as well as the service is good.
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