Hey there, SKAPETOKOREA Adventurers! 🎉
Buckle up, because today we’re setting out on another thrilling journey in the exciting world of the Korean language! I hope you’re ready to master another intriguing grammar pattern – we’re going to dig deep into “도록” today!
도록! Dang, doesn’t that sound mysterious? It’s like we’re learning secret codes or something, right? But rest assured, by the end of our lesson, the mystery will be gone, and you’ll be saying “도록” like a pro in your Korean sentences!
This useful little gem is all about expressing purposes, intentions, or situations, adding depth to your language skills. By the time we’re done, you’ll be painting vivid pictures with your words, expressing complex thoughts, and making native speakers go, “Wow, where did you learn to speak Korean so well?” 😉
So, are you ready to unlock the door to the advanced realm of Korean language with the key of “도록”? Let’s get this language party started! 🎈🎉📚

- Take a verb i.e. 가다
- Drop “다” i.e. 가
- Add 도록 i.e. 가도록 (in order to go)
- 먹다 –> 먹 + 도록 –> 먹도록
- 사다 –> 사 + 도록 –> 사도록
- 주다 –> 주 + 도록 –> 주도록
- 보다 –> 보 + 도록 –> 보도록

Understanding the meaning of 도록
“도록” is a Korean grammar pattern that’s quite versatile. Depending on the context, it can mean ‘so that’, ‘in order to’, ‘to the extent that’, or ‘as if’. It’s typically used to express purpose, intention, or a certain situation or condition.
- Purpose or Intention: When used in this sense, “도록” can be translated to ‘so that’ or ‘in order to’. It connects two clauses and indicates that the action in the first clause is done for the purpose of the action in the second clause. Example: “많이 배우도록 노력하겠습니다.” (I will try in order to learn a lot.)
- Indirect Command or Request: “도록” can also be used to express indirect commands or requests. It’s a softer, more polite way of asking someone to do something. Example: “조용히 하도록 해주세요.” (Please make it so that it’s quiet / Please be quiet.)
Remember, context is key! Depending on the sentence, “도록” could fit any of these meanings.
Negative sentences with 도록
Forming negatives with “도록” is pretty straightforward. Here’s how you do it:
To make a negative sentence with “도록”, you simply need to use the negative form of the verb before “도록”. For most verbs, you can create the negative form by adding “지 않다” to the verb stem.
VERB STEM + 지 않도록
- Take a verb i.e. 가다
- Drop “다” i.e. 가
- Add 지 않도록 i.e. 지 않도록 (in order to go)
- 먹다 –> 먹 + 지 않도록 –> 먹지 않도록
- 사다 –> 사 + 지 않도록 –> 사지 않도록
- 주다 –> 주 + 지 않도록 –> 주지 않도록
- 보다 –> 보 + 지 않도록 –> 보지 않도록

Let’s look at a couple of examples:
- 늦지 않도록 노력했어요. – In order to not be late, I made an effort.
- 어머니가 걱정하지 않도록 전화했어요. – In order for my mum not to worry, I called her.
- 제가 틀리지 않도록 다시 확인했어요. – In order not to be wrong I checked again.
So, you can see that “도록” is still used to indicate a purpose or intention, but when used with the negative form of a verb, it indicates the intention to avoid or not do something.
- 수영을 잘하도록 매일 연습했어요. – I practiced every day in order to swim well.
- 시간이 없으니까, 빨리 준비하도록 하세요. – Since we don’t have time, please prepare quickly.
- 잘 이해하도록 설명을 천천히 했어요. – I explained slowly in order for them to understand well.
- 저는 춥지 않도록 따뜻하게 입었습니다. – In order to not be cold, I dressed warmly.
- 또 다른 실수를 하지 않도록 철저히 준비했어요. – I prepared thoroughly so I wouldn’t make another mistake.
Activity 1
Fill in the blanks.
- 다들 잘 _____________ 크게 말해주세요. – In order for everyone to understand, speak loudly.
- 그의 생일을 _____________ 메모를 어요. – In order to not forget his birthday I wrote a memo.
- 우리는 자연을 _____________ 노력해야 해요. – In order to protect nature, we need to make an effort.
- 제 여재친구가 _____________ 항상 웃어주려고 해요. – In order for my girlfriend to not be sad I always try to make her laugh.
- 목이 _____________ 노래를 불렀어요. – I sang until my throat hurt.
Activity 1 Answers
- 다들 잘 알아들을 수 있도록 크게 말해주세요. – In order for everyone to understand, speak loudly.
- 그의 생일을 잊지 않도록 메모를 어요. – In order to not forget his birthday I wrote a memo.
- 우리는 자연을 보호하도록 노력해야 해요. – In order to protect nature, we need to make an effort.
- 제 여재친구가 슬퍼하지 않도록 항상 웃어주려고 해요. – In order for my girlfriend to not be sad I always try to make her laugh.
- 목이 아프도록 노래를 불렀어요. – I sang until my throat hurt.
Wrap up
And there we have it, SKAPETOKOREA Explorers! We’ve hiked our way through the terrain of the “도록” and “지 않도록” sentence structures. Impressive, isn’t it? I’m sure some of you have been feeling the altitude, but no mountain peak is reached without a bit of a climb.
Remember, “도록” is all about making something happen, while “지 않도록” is the secret sauce to prevent things from happening. It’s a powerful tool, something like the Swiss Army Knife of Korean grammar – useful in so many situations!
In our journey today, we’ve discovered how to form sentences using this structure and its negative form, and we’ve examined a whole bunch of examples. We’ve tackled the difficult trails and enjoyed the scenic views, but remember, the journey doesn’t end here.
The real trek starts now! It’s your turn to pack these structures into your language rucksack and use them in your conversations, writings, and readings. Practice, practice, practice! And when in doubt, remember the most important rule in language learning: always keep exploring!
Feel free to drop a comment below about your adventures with “도록” and “지 않도록”. Your insights might just help a fellow explorer on their journey! Until next time, keep your explorer spirits high and your grammar nerves strong! Remember, every step you take brings you closer to the peak of Korean fluency!
Happy exploring, and see you in our next grammar adventure! 화이팅! (Fighting!) 🚀