-는 동안: While/during

안녕하세요! 🌟

So, have you ever wondered how to say “while” in Korean or how to explain something that happened “during” a certain period? Well, today is your lucky day! Prepare to embark on a wild, roller-coaster journey through the thrilling world of… “-는 동안!” 🎢

Now, I know, I know… talking about time can get a tad, let’s say, “time-consuming” (pun totally intended!). But fear not! By the end of this lesson, you’ll be a “-는 동안” dynamo, slicing through sentences like they’re pieces of 떡볶이 (delicious rice cakes)! So, tighten those seatbelts and keep those hands inside the learning vehicle at all times. It’s “time” to get this party started! 🎉🕰️


VERB STEM + 는 동안

  1. Take a verb i.e. 가다
  2. Drop “다” i.e. 가
  3. Add -는 동안 i.e. 가는 동안
  • 먹다 –> 먹 + 는 동안 –> 먹는 동안
  • 사다 –> 사 + 는 동안 –> 사는 동안
  • 주다 –> 주 + 는 동안 –> 주는 동안
  • 보다 –> 보 + 는 동안–> 보는 동안

Understanding -는 동안

Welcome to the universe of “는 동안”! This might seem like an unassuming phrase, but it’s ready to revamp how you talk about periods of time in Korean. Let’s dive in!

The Basics:
“는 동안” can be literally translated to “during” or “while” in English. The magic of this phrase is that it allows you to describe an action that continues for a certain period of time.

When you want to describe something that happened “while” or “during” a certain event or time, “는 동안” comes to your rescue.


  • 학교에 다니는 동안 많은 친구들을 만났어요. (During the time I attended school, I made many friends.)

A Note on Nuance:
“는 동안” implies the entirety of the duration. So, when you use it, you’re talking about something that happened throughout that time period, not just at a specific point during that period.

Pairing with Time Periods:
The beauty of “는 동안” is that it can be paired with various time periods, whether it’s seconds, minutes, hours, days, or even years!


  • 3일 동안 비가 왔어요. (It rained for three days.)

Understanding “는 동안” is like having a golden ticket to a new dimension of expressing time in Korean. With this structure in your toolkit, you’re one step closer to fluency! So, the next time you want to chat about what you did “during” your summer vacation or “while” you were in Seoul, you’ll know exactly how to frame it. Cheers to that! 🎉🕰️


Duration of a Single Continuous Action:

  • Studying: “공부하는 동안 음악을 들었어요.” – I listened to music while I was studying.
  • Cooking: “요리하는 동안 전화가 왔어요.” – I received a call while I was cooking.

Specific Time Periods:

  • Morning to Evening: “아침부터 저녁까지 일하는 동안 피곤해졌어요.” – I became tired from working from morning to evening.

Contrasting Two Simultaneous Actions:

  • Watching TV: “TV를 보는 동안 동생은 숙제를 했어요.” – While I was watching TV, my younger sibling did their homework.

Expressing ‘Throughout’ or ‘For the Duration of’:

  • Rainy Day: “비 오는 날 동안 집에 있었어요.” – I was at home throughout the rainy day.
  • Winter Vacation: “겨울 방학 동안 여행을 갔어요.” – I went on a trip during the winter vacation.

Understanding the context and scenarios where “-는 동안” is applicable will not only enhance the richness of your expressions but also your overall grasp of the Korean language. Remember, practice makes perfect, so try to use this structure in your daily conversations and writings!

Sample sentences and breakdown

  • 비가 오는 동안 책을 읽었어요.
    • 비가 오는: It’s raining.
    • 동안: during/while
    • 책을 읽었어요: read a book.
    • Translation: I read a book while it was raining.
  • 친구를 만나는 동안 많이 웃었어요.
    • 친구를 만나는: meeting a friend.
    • 동안: during/while
    • 많이 웃었어요: laughed a lot.
    • Translation: I laughed a lot while meeting a friend.
  • 시험이 있는 동안 조용히 해주세요.
    • 시험이 있는: there’s a test.
    • 동안: during
    • 조용히 해주세요: please be quiet.
    • Translation: Please be quiet during the test.
  • 커피를 마시는 동안 책을 봤어요.
    • 커피를 마시는: drinking coffee.
    • 동안: while
    • 책을 봤어요: looked at a book.
    • Translation: I looked at a book while drinking coffee.
  • 엄마가 요리하는 동안 도와줬어요.
    • 엄마가 요리하는: mom is cooking.
    • 동안: while
    • 도와줬어요: helped.
    • Translation: I helped while mom was cooking.
  • 여름 휴가 동안 바다에 갔어요.
    • 여름 휴가: summer vacation.
    • 동안: during
    • 바다에 갔어요: went to the sea.
    • Translation: I went to the sea during the summer vacation.

These examples showcase a variety of ways in which “-는 동안” can be used in Korean. Practice incorporating them into your conversations and soon you’ll use them naturally!

Activity 1

Fill in the blanks.

  1. 그녀는 직장에서 __________ 전화를 받지 않아요. – She doesn’t take calls while working at her job.
  2. __________ 친구들과 식당에서 밥을 먹었어요. – I ate at a restaurant with friends during lunchtime.
  3. 매장에서 __________ 음악을 들었어요. – I listened to music while shopping in the store.
  4. 저는 __________ 오디오북을 들어요. – I listen to audiobooks while cleaning.
  5. 도서관에서 __________ 휴대폰을 끄세요. – Turn off your phone while studying in the library.

Activity 1 Answers

  1. 그녀는 직장에서 일하는 동안 전화를 받지 않아요. – She doesn’t take calls while working at her job.
  2. 점심시간 동안 친구들과 식당에서 밥을 먹었어요. – I ate at a restaurant with friends during lunchtime.
  3. 매장에서 쇼핑하는 동안 음악을 들었어요. – I listened to music while shopping in the store.
  4. 저는 청소하는 동안 오디오북을 들어요. – I listen to audiobooks while cleaning.
  5. 도서관에서 공부하는 동안 휴대폰을 끄세요. – Turn off your phone while studying in the library.

Wrap up

Hey, superstar Korean learner! 🌟 You’ve just navigated the tricky waters of “-는 동안” like a champ. No longer will time (or the lack of understanding it) stand in your way. 🏃💨

Remember, whenever something’s happening and you want to tell the world about it, you’ve got this handy phrase in your toolkit. Watching K-dramas during late-night snack sessions? Studying Korean while also… um, attempting to exercise? 😅 You’re all set to express those!

Keep practicing, and soon enough, you’ll be using “-는 동안” smoother than butter on a hot pan. 🔥🍳 Until next time, keep those language skills sizzling! And if you forget how to use “-는 동안”, just remember… it’s only a matter of time before it all clicks! 😉🕒

Stay fabulous and 화이팅! 👋🚀

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