는지: Whether

In today’s blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of “는지” and explore its various applications. We will break down the structure, examine its formation, and examine the contexts in which it is commonly used. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a solid grasp of how to use “는지” effectively and confidently in your Korean conversations.

“는지” acts as a powerful tool to express knowledge or awareness of a situation. It helps us convey our understanding of facts and provides insights into our thoughts and perceptions. Moreover, it enables us to speculate, wonder, or express curiosity about a particular matter. Understanding these nuances will not only enrich your language skills but also deepen your connections with native Korean speakers.

Throughout this blog post, we’ll provide clear explanations, practical examples, and useful tips to help you navigate the usage of “는지” with ease. Additionally, we’ll include practice exercises to solidify your understanding and encourage you to actively engage with the concept.

So, whether you’re eager to express what you know, convey uncertainty, or simply engage in meaningful conversations, “는지” will prove to be an invaluable addition to your Korean language arsenal.

Get ready to unlock new dimensions of expression as we embark on this journey to unravel the versatility of “는지” in Korean. Let’s dive in and explore the magic of this grammar structure together!

The structure of 는지

To effectively use the grammar structure “는지” in Korean, it is essential to grasp its structure and formation. By breaking it down into its components, you’ll be able to construct sentences with confidence and accuracy. Let’s delve into the intricacies of the “는지” structure and explore its formation.

The “는지” structure is formed by combining two elements: the present tense marker “-는” and the conjunctive particle “지.” Here’s a closer look at each component:

  1. Present Tense Marker “-는”: The “-는” marker is attached to the verb stem and indicates the present tense. It is used to connect the verb stem to the conjunctive particle “지” and create the “는지” structure. The vowel that follows the verb stem determines whether “-는” is used or if it undergoes vowel assimilation. It is important to pay attention to the verb stem’s ending and make the necessary adjustments.
  2. Conjunctive Particle “지”: The conjunctive particle “지” serves as the second component of the “는지” structure. It is added after the present tense marker “-는” to complete the formation. “지” functions as a connector that introduces the clause expressing knowledge, awareness, or speculation.


는지 can be added to Verbs or Adjectives.


  1. Take a verb i.e. 가다
  2. Drop 다 i.e. 가
  3. Add 는지 i.e. 가는지


  1. Take an adverb i.e. 예쁘다
  2. Drop 다 i.e. 예쁘
  3. When the stem ends with a vowel add – ㄴ지 i.e. 예쁜지
  4. When the stem ends with a consonant add -은지 i.e. 작은지

Past tense

  1. Convert the verb or the adjective to a past tense i.e. 갔다
  2. Drop 다
  3. Add 는지 i.e. 갔는지

Future tense

  1. Take a verb and drop 다 i.e. 가
  2. If the verb stem ends with a vowel add ~ㄹ 건지 at the end i.e. 갈 건지
  3. If the verb stem ends with a consonant add ~을 건지 at the end i.e. 먹을 건지


  • 먹다 –> 먹 + 는지 –> 먹는지
  • 먹다 –> 먹었 + 는지 –> 먹었는지
  • 먹다 –> 먹 + 을 건지 –> 먹을 건지

  • 오다 –> 오 + 는지 –> 오는지
  • 오다 –> 왔 + 는지 –> 왔는지
  • 오다 –> 오 + ㄹ 건지 –> 올 건지

  • 보다 –> 보 + 는지 –> 보는지
  • 보다 –> 봤 + 는지 –> 봤는지
  • 보다 –> 보 + ㄹ 건지 –> 볼 건지

  • 있다 –> 있 + 는지 –> 있는지
  • 있다 –> 있었 + 는지 –> 있었는지
  • 있다 –> 있 + 을 건지 –> 있을 건지

  • 하다 –> 하 + 는지 –> 하는지
  • 하다 –> 했 + 는지 –> 했는지
  • 하다 –> 하 + ㄹ 건지 –> 할 건지


The most common meaning of 는지 is similar to the English “whether”. It can express speculation, wonder, or curiosity about a situation. It is used to introduce a clause that suggests a possibility or raises a question about a particular matter.

내일 날씨가 좋을지 궁금해요. – I wonder if the weather will be good tomorrow. Here, “날씨가 좋을지” indicates the speaker’s curiosity and speculation about whether the weather will be good or not.

비가 오는지 아세요? – Do you know whether it’s raining? In this sentence, “비가 오는지” indicates that the speaker is asking if the listener has knowledge or information about whether it’s raining or not.

내일 갈 건지 모르겠어요. – I don’t know whether I will go tomorrow.

는지 모르겠다

“는지 모르겠다” is a common expression in Korean that translates to “I don’t know if” or “I’m not sure if” in English. It is used when the speaker is uncertain or lacks knowledge about a particular situation. Let’s break down the meaning and components of this expression:

  1. “는지” : The “는지” part comes from the grammar structure we discussed earlier, which expresses knowledge, awareness, or speculation. In this case, it indicates that the speaker is uncertain or lacks knowledge about something.
  2. “모르겠다”: “모르겠다” is a combination of two elements: “모르다”, meaning “to not know,” and the verb ending “-겠다”, which signifies uncertainty or lack of knowledge. Together, “모르겠다” conveys the idea of not knowing or being unsure about something.

When used together, “는지 모르겠다” indicates the speaker’s uncertainty or lack of knowledge about a specific situation. It is often used to express doubt, hesitation, or a lack of information when discussing a particular matter. While some sentences could be translated using the word “whether”, not all of them can be translated this way. When using question words such as 누구, 왜, 언제 etc, the translation is different. 는지 can also be combined with other grammar structures such as 고 있는지 or 고 싶은 지.


  • 이 책은 좋은지 모르겠어요. – I’m not sure if this book is good. In this sentence, “좋은지 모르겠어요” conveys the speaker’s uncertainty about whether the book is good or not.
  • 어떻게 그렇게 늦었는지 모르겠어요. – I don’t know how it got so late. Here, “늦었는지 모르겠어요” expresses the speaker’s lack of understanding or knowledge about how it became so late.
  • 아직도 자고 있는지 모르겠어요. – I don’t know whether he is still sleeping.
  • 벌써 먹고 싶은지 모르겠어요. – I don’t know whether I want to eat already.
  • 그 영화 이미 봤는지 모르겠어요. – I don’t know whether he saw the movie already.
  • 누가 다 먹었는지 모르겠어요. – I don’t know who ate it all.
  • 왜 안 왔는지 모르겠어요. – I don’t know why he didn’t come.
  • 언제 갈 건지 모르겠어요. – I don’t know when I will go.

Activity 1

Fill in the gaps.

  1. 떡볶이 _________ 모르겠어요. – I don’t know whether you like Ddeokbboki.
  2. 이미 _________ 모르겠어요. – I am not sure whether you have heard already.
  3. _________ 모르겠어요. – I am not sure whether its tasty.
  4. 그거 언제 _________ 기억이 안 나요. – I don’t remember when I threw it away.
  5. 언제 ________ 확실하지 않아요. – I am not sure when I will go.

Activity 1 Answers

  1. 떡볶이 좋아하는지 모르겠어요. – I don’t know whether you like Ddeokbboki.
  2. 이미 들었는지 모르겠어요. – I am not sure whether you have heard already.
  3. 맛있는지 모르겠어요. – I am not sure whether its tasty.
  4. 그거 언제 버렸는지 기억이 안 나요. – I don’t remember when I threw it away.
  5. 언제 갈 건지 확실하지 않아요. – I am not sure when I will go.


My name is Sonia and I have been watching Kdramas and learning the Korean Language since 2009 and still haven't gotten bored of it at all! At first, I fell in love with the dramas but soon enough I fell in love with Korean language and Korean culture.

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