“고 싶다” Practice questions

If you need to recap the past tense, check out this post here.

Activity 1

Conjugate the below verbs using the “고 싶다” verb ending.

  1. 보내다
  2. 이기다
  3. 팔다
  4. 도착하다
  5. 고치다
  6. 오다
  7. 받다
  8. 살다
  9. 만나다
  10. 그만하다

Activity 2

Fill the blanks with the correctly conjugated word.

  1. 그냥 _________________. (그냥 – just) I just want to walk.
  2. 책을 _____________. (책 – book, 을 – object marking particle) I want to write a book.
  3. 콜라를 ___________. (콜라 – coke/cola, 를 – object marking particle) I want to drink some coke.
  4. BTS 노래를 _____________. (노래 – song, 를 – object marking particle) I want to listen to BTS song.
  5. 차를 ______________. (차 – car, 를 – object marking particle) I want to have a car.
  6. 옷을 ______________. (옷 – clothes, 을 – object marking particle) I want to change my clothes.
  7. 집에서 _____________. (집 – home, 에서 – at) I want to wait at home.
  8. 조금만 더 ______________. (조금 – a little, 만 – only, 더 – more) I want to look around a little bit more.
  9. 대학교 __________. (대학교 – university) I want to attend the university.
  10. 친구들이랑 ____________. (친구 – friend, 들 – plural, 이랑 – with) I want to hang out with friends.

Choose from the following verbs: 다니다, 가지다, 읽다, 기다리다, 놀다, 걷다, 구경하다, 쓰다, 갈아입다, 마시다)

Activity 3

Listen to the below recording and write down the words using the “고 싶다” verb ending in the PAST tense (each word will be repeated twice) and translate to English/your own language.

Activity 4

Fill the blanks with the correctly conjugated word.

  1. 어제 너무 ______________. (어제 – yesterday, 너무 – a lot) I really wanted to sleep yesterday.
  2. 좋은 책을 ______________. (좋은 – good, 책 – book, 을 – object marking particle) I wanted to read a good book.
  3. 친구한테 잠깐 ______________. (친구 – friend, 한테 – to, 잠깐 – for a bit) I wanted to call a friend for a bit.
  4. 진실 _____________. (진실 – truth) I wanted to know the truth.
  5. 혼자 ____________. (혼자 – alone) I wanted to think alone.
  6. 조금만 더 ___________. (조금 – a little, 만 – only, 더 – more) I wanted to stay a little bit longer.
  7. 새로운 핸드폰을 ___________. (새로운 – new, 핸드폰 – phone, 을 – object marking particle) I wanted to buy a new phone.

Choose from the following verbs; 있다, 자다, 알다, 사다, 읽다, 생각하다, 전화하다)

Activity 5

Listen to the below recording and write down the full sentence and translate to English/your own language (each sentence will be repeated twice).

Activity 1 Answers

  1. 보내다 – 보내고 싶다 (Want to send)
  2. 이기다 – 이기고 싶다 (Want to win)
  3. 팔다 – 팔고 싶다 (Want to sell)
  4. 도착하다 – 도착하고 싶다 (Want to arrive)
  5. 고치다 – 고치고 싶다 (Want to fix)
  6. 오다 – 오고 싶다 (Want to come)
  7. 받다 – 받고 싶다 (Want to receive)
  8. 살다 – 살고 싶다 (Want to buy)
  9. 만나다 – 만나고 싶다 (Want to meet)
  10. 그만하다 – 그만하고 싶다 (Want to stop)

Activity 2 Answers

  1. 그냥 걷고 싶어요. (그냥 – just) I just want to walk.
  2. 책을 쓰고 싶어요. (책 – book, 을 – object marking particle) I want to write a book.
  3. 콜라를 마시고 싶어요. (콜라 – coke/cola, 를 – object marking particle) I want to drink some coke.
  4. BTS 노래를 듣고 싶어요. (노래 – song, 를 – object marking particle) I want to listen to BTS song.
  5. 차를 가지고 싶어요. (차 – car, 를 – object marking particle) I want to have a car.
  6. 옷을 갈아입고 싶어요. (옷 – clothes, 을 – object marking particle) I want to change my clothes.
  7. 집에서 기다리고 싶어요. (집 – home, 에서 – at) I want to wait at home.
  8. 조금만 더 구경하고 싶어요. (조금 – a little, 만 – only, 더 – more) I want to look around a little bit more.
  9. 대학교 다니고 싶어요. (대학교 – university) I want to attend the university.
  10. 친구들이랑 놀고 싶어요. (친구 – friend, 들 – plural, 이랑 – with) I want to hang out with friends.

Activity 3 Answers

  1. 배우다 – 배우고 싶었어요 (Wanted to learn)
  2. 공부하다 – 공부하고 싶었어요 (Wanted to study)
  3. 말하다 – 말하고 싶었어요 (Wanted to speak)
  4. 기억하다 – 기억하고 싶었어요 (Wanted to remember)
  5. 웃다 – 웃고 싶었어요 (Wanted to laugh)

Activity 4 Answers

  1. 어제 너무 자고 싶었어요 (어제 – yesterday, 너무 – a lot) I really wanted to sleep yesterday.
  2. 좋은 책을 읽고 싶었어요. (좋은 – good, 책 – book, 을 – object marking particle) I wanted to read a good book.
  3. 친구한테 잠깐 전화하고 싶었어요. (친구 – friend, 한테 – to, 잠깐 – for a bit) I wanted to call a friend for a bit.
  4. 진실 알고 싶었어요. (진실 – truth) I wanted to know the truth.
  5. 혼자 생각하고 싶었어요. (혼자 – alone) I wanted to think alone.
  6. 조금만 더 있고 싶었어요. (조금 – a little, 만 – only, 더 – more) I wanted to stay a little bit longer.
  7. 새로운 핸드폰을 사고 싶었어요. (새로운 – new, 핸드폰 – phone, 을 – object marking particle) I wanted to buy a new phone.

Activity 5 Answers

  1. 한국 가고 싶어요 – I want to go to Korea
  2. 선물 주고 싶었어요 – I wanted to give you a present
  3. 맛있는 것 먹고 싶어요 – I want to eat something delicious
  4. 보고 싶었어요 – I missed you
  5. 한국어를 배우고 싶어요 – I want to learn Korean

2 thoughts on ““고 싶다” Practice questions”

  1. Markus Nilsson

    Hi Sonia!

    I really appreciate the nice exercises, and the excellent explanations on skapetokorea.

    Just a litte comment: In activity 1, question 8, you ask for how to use the verb 않다 with -고 싶어요. But in the answer section the verb is 살다…

    Best regard from Sweden

    1. Hi Markus!

      Thank you so much for your comment and letting me know of the mistake. I have now fixed it 🙂

      Happy studying

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