-거나: Either this or that


Have you ever found yourself stuck between deciding whether to have pizza or pasta? Watch a rom-com or a thriller? Visit the beach or the mountains? Ah, the endless dilemmas of life! But guess what? Korean’s got your back with a nifty little tool to express all these “either-or” situations. Introducing… drumroll… “거나”!

“거나” is like the ultimate buffet line of the Korean language. You know, where you’re looking at both the sushi and the noodles, thinking, “Hmm, maybe this… or perhaps that?” It’s the linguistic representation of the delightful dance we do when choosing between two things.

In today’s delightful lesson, we’re diving deep into the wondrous world of “거나” – where every choice is celebrated, and every option gets its limelight. So, whether you’re Team Pizza or Team Pasta, Team Beach or Team Mountains, by the end of this lesson, you’ll be confidently juggling your choices in Korean like a pro!

Let’s jump in, and remember – in the universe of “거나”, indecision is not a bug; it’s a feature! 😜🥳🚀



  1. Take a verb i.e. 가다
  2. Drop “다” i.e. 가
  3. Add 거나 i.e. 가거나
  • 먹다 –> 먹 + 거나 –> 먹거나
  • 보다 –> 보 + 거나 –> 보거나
  • 사다 –> 사 + 거나 –> 사거나
  • 하다 –> 하 + 거나 –> 하거나

Understanding -거나

Alright, language adventurers, it’s time to dive into the beauty and magic of “거나”. Just as every culture has its way of expressing alternatives and choices, Korean presents its own unique flair with “거나”. Let’s embark on this illuminating journey to grasp its essence.

The Basics: What is “거나”?

  • At its core, “거나” is a conjunction used in the Korean language to list non-exclusive options or choices. Think of it as the Korean cousin to the English “or” when listing alternatives.

Structural Insights:

  • The formula is straightforward: You take the verb or adjective stem and attach “거나” to indicate one of the choices. Then you continue your sentence and list the next option.

Essence of “거나”:

  • Unlike some other conjunctions or patterns in Korean, “거나” is all about presenting options without any bias or emphasis on one over the other. It’s the equivalent of saying, “I could go for this or that.”

It’s All About Context:

  • The beauty of “거나” lies in its versatility. Whether you’re deciding between two types of foods, activities, places, or feelings, “거나” is your go-to tool.
    • Example: 커피 마시 거나 차를 마실래요? (Do you want to drink coffee or tea?)

The Nuance of Uncertainty:

  • Apart from simply listing options, “거나” can also carry a slight nuance of uncertainty, especially when the speaker is undecided between the two choices.
    • Example: 오늘 집에서 쉬 거나, 아니면 친구를 만날 거야예요 (I’ll either rest at home today, or perhaps meet a friend.)

The Dance of Decision-Making:

  • When you incorporate “거나” into your speech, it’s like inviting your listener to the dance floor of decision-making. You’re sharing your process of contemplating different choices, allowing for a more interactive and open-ended conversation.

In summary, understanding “거나” is all about embracing the richness of choices in Korean. It’s a reflection of life’s myriad options and the decisions we navigate daily. So the next time you’re in the midst of making a choice, remember, “거나” has got your back, ensuring you can express your alternatives with grace and clarity in Korean. 🤹‍♂️🌟

Sample sentences

The best way to grasp a concept is to see it in action! Dive into the myriad scenarios of life’s choices with our curated list of sample sentences using “거나”.

  • Food & Beverages:
    • 커피 마시거나 차를 마실래요?
      • Would you like to drink coffee or tea?
    • 피자 먹거나 햄버거 먹고 싶어?
      • What will you eat, pizza or a hamburger?
  • Activities:
    • 주말에 산에 가거나 바다에 갈 거예요.
      • I will go to the mountains or the beach on the weekend.
    • 영화를 보거나 집에서 책을 읽을 거예요.
      • I’ll either watch a movie or read a book at home.
  • Weather & Seasons:
    • 여름에는 수영 하거나 서핑을 즐겨해요.
      • In summer, I enjoy swimming or surfing.
  • Fashion & Style:
    • 이 옷을 입거나 그 옷을 입을 거예요?
      • Will you wear this outfit or that one?

These sample sentences provide a snapshot of the various contexts where “거나” can be employed. As you practice and incorporate “거나” into your conversations, you’ll discover its versatility in expressing the spectrum of choices that life offers! 🌟🛍️🌈


Fill in the blanks.

  1. 오늘 밤에는 __________ 배달 음식을 시킬 거예요. – Tonight, I’ll either cook or order delivery food.
  2. 여름 휴가로 파리 __________ 로마에 갈까요? – Should we go to Paris or Rome for summer vacation?
  3. 아침식사로 샌드위치 __________ 시리얼을 먹어요. – For breakfast, I eat either a sandwich or cereal.
  4. 이번 주말에는 __________ 공부를 해야 해요. – This weekend, I need to either work or study.
  5. 저는 항상 __________ 춤을 춰요. – I always either sing or dance.

Activity Answers

  1. 오늘 밤에는 요리를 하거나 배달 음식을 시킬 거예요. – Tonight, I’ll either cook or order delivery food.
  2. 여름 휴가로 파리 가거나 로마에 갈까요? – Should we go to Paris or Rome for summer vacation?
  3. 아침식사로 샌드위치 먹거나 시리얼을 먹어요. – For breakfast, I eat either a sandwich or cereal.
  4. 이번 주말에는 일을 하거나 공부를 해야 해요. – This weekend, I need to either work or study.
  5. 저는 항상 노래 하거나 춤을 춰요. – I always either sing or dance.

Wrap up

Alright, wonderful word wizards, we’ve danced through the world of “거나”, juggled some jovial choices, and took a delightful dive into the land of “this or that.” By now, you’re not just hopping between choices; you’re sashaying! 🕺💃

Here’s a fun challenge: Next time you’re faced with the age-old conundrum of “pizza or tacos?”, why not express your culinary conundrum in Korean? Show off those “거나” skills, and let your dinner decisions dazzle in two languages! 🍕🌮

Now, in the grand tradition of all things interactive, we’ve got a small ask: Drop us a comment below! Tell us about a fun choice you’ve made recently using “거나”. Was it between two movies? Two hobbies? Or perhaps two nap durations (hey, we don’t judge; sleep is important 😉)?

Your feedback, tales of “거나”-related adventures, and any fun anecdotes you might have are the sprinkles on our linguistic ice cream. We’d love to hear from you, and who knows, your choice might inspire someone else’s next big “거나” decision!

Remember, in the world of choices, there’s no wrong answer—just another opportunity to use “거나”. Keep practicing, keep choosing, and until our next linguistic rendezvous, happy “거나”-ing! 🎊🌍🚀

P.S. If you’re ever stuck between leaving a comment or not, just think, “Why not?”. The universe (and we) would love to hear your voice! 😉💌🎤

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