ㄹ/을 테니까

Alright, fellow Korean language enthusiasts, gather ’round, for today we delve deep into a grammatical morsel that’s spicier than kimchi and as thrilling as a K-drama plot twist! Ever wanted to give a reason with a sprinkle of prediction? Or share a hint of what’s coming, but also why? 🤔 If you’re nodding or even just slightly tilting your head, then you’re in the right place!

Presenting: “-ㄹ/을 테니까”! 🎉

No, that’s not the title of a new K-pop song. (Though, I’d totally jam to it if it was!) It’s a super useful grammar point that will have you sounding more natural and fluent in your conversations.

So, fasten your seatbelts, grab your favourite snack (maybe some kimchi-flavoured popcorn?), and let’s embark on this linguistic rollercoaster ride. Ready, set, 시작하자! (Let’s start!) 🚀🍿😂


VERB STEM + ㄹ/을 테니까

  1. Take a verb i.e. 가다
  2. Drop “다” i.e. 가
  3. Add the appropriate ending based on the below rules (in this case it becomes 갈 텐니까)
  • If the verb stem ends with a vowel, add ㄹ 테니까
  • If the verb stem ends with a consonant, add 을 테니까
  • 먹다 –> 먹 + 을 테니까 –> 먹을 테니까
  • 보다 –> 보 + ㄹ 테니까 –> 볼 테니까
  • 사다 –> 사 + ㄹ 테니까 –> 살 테니까
  • 하다 –> 하 + ㄹ 테니까 –> 할 테니까

Understanding ㄹ/을 테니까

Diving into the Korean language can sometimes feel like you’ve embarked on a treasure hunt. Among its precious gems is “ㄹ 테니까”, a phrase that provides depth, context, and a dash of predictiveness to one’s statements. Let’s unwrap its layers!

Basic Breakdown:

  • : This is derived from the verb “테다”, which indicates an assumption or expectation about the future.
  • 니까: This suffix is often used in Korean to provide a reason or cause for something.

So, when you merge them, “ㄹ 테니까” can be translated to “since I/you/we assume or expect that...”

Usage in Context: “ㄹ 테니까” is often employed to express an assumption or prediction about a future event and to give a reason based on that assumption. It’s a way to make soft predictions and then act upon them.


  • “비 올 테니까 우산 가져와!”
  • Translation: “It looks like it’s going to rain, so bring an umbrella!” In this example, the speaker predicts rain and provides a reason (the predicted rain) for bringing an umbrella.

Nuances of “ㄹ 테니까”: While it’s primarily used for future predictions, it also carries a sense of caution, warning, or advice based on a perceived outcome.


  • “그런 말 하면 서운할 테니까 조심해!”
  • Translation: “She might feel hurt if you say that, so be careful!”

Comparisons with other forms: While “ㄹ 테니까” focuses on assumptions and predictions about the future, it’s different from other future tense forms in Korean. Its unique feature is the combination of prediction and reason, making it a very expressive and context-rich phrase.

In conclusion, “ㄹ 테니까” is more than just a grammatical form; it’s a peek into the Korean way of thinking and communicating. It exemplifies the importance of context, reason, and empathy in conversation, making it a crucial phrase for anyone looking to communicate effectively in Korean.

Negative form

안 + VERB STEM + ㄹ/을 테니까

  • 안 먹다 –> 안 먹 + 을 테니까 –> 안 먹을 테니까
  • 안 보다 –> 안 보 + ㄹ 테니까 –> 안 볼 테니까
  • 안 사다 –> 안 사 + ㄹ 테니까 –> 안 살 테니까
  • 안 하다 –> 안 하 + ㄹ 테니까 –> 안 할 테니까

VERB STEM + 지 않다 + ㄹ/을 테니까

  • 먹다 –> 먹 + 지 않을 테니까 –> 먹지 않을 테니까
  • 보다 –> 보 + 지 않을 테니까 –> 보지 않을 테니까
  • 사다 –> 사 + 지 않을 테니까 –> 사지 않을 테니까
  • 하다 –> 하 + 지 않을 테니까 –> 하지 않을 테니까

Sample sentences

  • Weather-related:
    • 비가 올 테니까 우산을 가져가세요.
      • It’s going to rain, so take an umbrella.
    • 날씨가 추울 테니까 따뜻한 옷을 입으세요.
      • It’s going to be cold, so wear warm clothes.
  • Advice or suggestions:
    • 이 책은 재미있을 테니까 읽어보세요.
      • I think this book will be interesting, so try reading it.
    • 교통이 복잡할 테니까 일찍 출발하세요.
      • Traffic will be busy, so leave early.
  • Anticipating needs:
    • 배가 고플 테니까 간식을 준비해봤어요.
      • I thought you might get hungry, so I prepared some snacks.
    • 더울 테니까 물을 가져왔어요.
      • I thought it might be hot, so I brought some water.
  • Expressing concern or caution:
    • 아이들이 놀이터에 갈 테니까 조심하세요.
      • The children will be at the playground, so be careful.
    • 미끄러울 테니까 천천히 걸으세요.
      • It might be slippery, so walk slowly.
  • Making plans:
    • 영화가 많이 볼 테니까 일찍 만나자.
      • There will be many movies to watch, so let’s meet early.
    • 매장이 붐빌 테니까 예약을 해야 해요.
      • The restaurant will probably be crowded, so we should make a reservation.
  • Personal feelings or predictions:
    • 내일은 기분이 좋을 테니까 함께 산책하러 가자.
      • I think I’ll be in a good mood tomorrow, so let’s go for a walk together.
    • 공부하면 이해할 테니까 계속해봐.
      • I believe you’ll understand if you study, so keep trying.

These sample sentences can help learners understand the various contexts in which “ㄹ/을 테니까” can be used. Encourage learners to create their own sentences based on their daily experiences to practice and reinforce their understanding of the pattern.

Activity 1

Fill in the blanks.

  1. 날씨가 __________ 외출하자. – The weather will be nice, so let’s go out.
  2. 새로운 카페는 __________ 예약을 하자. – The new cafe will be popular, so let’s make a reservation.
  3. 파티가 __________ 청소 도와주세요. – The party is about to end, so please help with the cleaning.
  4. 신발이 __________ 한 사이즈 큰 걸로 주세요. – The shoes will be small, so please give me one size bigger.
  5. 친구가 __________ 빨리 가야 해. – My friend will be waiting, so I have to go quickly.

Activity 1 Answers

  1. 날씨가 좋을 테니까 외출하자. – The weather will be nice, so let’s go out.
  2. 새로운 카페는 인기가 많을 테니까 예약을 하자. – The new cafe will be popular, so let’s make a reservation.
  3. 파티가 끝날 테니까 청소 도와주세요. – The party is about to end, so please help with the cleaning.
  4. 신발이 작을 테니까 한 사이즈 큰 걸로 주세요. – The shoes will be small, so please give me one size bigger.
  5. 친구가 기다릴 테니까 빨리 가야 해. – My friend will be waiting, so I have to go quickly.

Wrap up

Alright! 🌟

You’ve waded through the wondrous waters of “ㄹ/을 테니까” and emerged triumphantly on the other side! You’re now ready to sprinkle your conversations with this magic pattern and astound your friends with your linguistic prowess.

Remember, every time you think of not using “ㄹ/을 테니까”, remind yourself: “Learning is ongoing! I’ll likely mess up… which is perfectly fine, because messing up is hilariously part of the journey!” 😜

In fact, legend has it that for every correct usage of “ㄹ/을 테니까”, a Korean drama somewhere gets a new plot twist. (Okay, I just made that up, but wouldn’t it be awesome?!)

Keep on practicing, chuckle at those little slip-ups, and soon you’ll be the “ㄹ/을 테니까” champion of the universe! Until our next linguistic adventure, keep those spirits high and the laughter louder! 🚀🎭🤣

잘 했어요! (Well done!) And remember… if all else fails, at least we had some good laughs along the way! See you next time, language warriors! 👋🎈

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